
What Does Genesis 1:21 Mean?

by Mia

Read the Daily Bible Verse Genesis 1:21 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Genesis 1:21 KJV Background

The verse Genesis 1:21 in the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible reads: “And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.” This verse is part of the creation narrative in the Book of Genesis, specifically within the first chapter, where the account of God creating the heavens and the earth is meticulously detailed.


The Book of Genesis is traditionally attributed to Moses and is the first of the five books of the Torah or Pentateuch. Genesis sets the foundational framework for the rest of the Bible by introducing the origin of the world, humanity, and the relationship between God and His creation. Genesis 1:21 is situated within the narrative of the fifth day of creation, where God focuses on filling the waters and the skies with living beings. The phrase “great whales” is translated from the Hebrew word “tannīn”, which can refer to large sea creatures, and “every living creature” is translated from “nephesh chayah”, indicating beings with life or soul. The repetition of “after their kind” emphasizes the order and intentionality of creation, reflecting God’s creative power and sovereignty.




Genesis 1:21 Meaning

The verse Genesis 1:21 holds significant theological weight as it highlights God’s creative authority and the diversity of life He brought into existence. In this verse, God’s creation of marine life and birds is detailed, demonstrating His ability to create life in various forms and habitats. The mention of “great whales” or large sea creatures symbolizes the grandeur and magnificence of God’s creation. These creatures, often considered mysterious and awe-inspiring, represent the vastness and richness of the created world.

The phrase “after their kind” is repeated twice in this verse, underscoring the principle of order and distinction within creation. Each species was created with the capacity to reproduce within its own kind, ensuring the continuity and stability of the created order. This concept aligns with the broader biblical theme of God’s intentionality and precision in creation, as opposed to randomness or chaos.

The statement “and God saw that it was good” reflects the divine approval of the creation process. This affirmation of goodness not only refers to the physical beauty of creation but also to its inherent purpose and function within God’s plan. The created world, in its diversity and complexity, is a reflection of God’s wisdom and creative power.

Genesis 1:21 Application in Life

The theological implications of Genesis 1:21 extend far beyond the mere account of creation. This verse invites believers to recognize and appreciate the diversity and complexity of life as a testament to God’s creative genius. The vast array of marine life and avian species, each created “after their kind,” serves as a reminder of God’s attention to detail and His care for every aspect of creation.

In practical terms, Genesis 1:21 challenges us to value and steward the natural world. The verse’s emphasis on the diversity of life calls for a respect for all living creatures and an acknowledgment of their intrinsic value as part of God’s creation. In a world where environmental degradation and species extinction are pressing concerns, this verse reminds us of our responsibility to protect and preserve the natural world.

Furthermore, Genesis 1:21 can be applied to our understanding of human diversity. Just as God created a multitude of species, each with its unique characteristics, so too has He created humanity with a rich diversity of cultures, languages, and ethnicities. This diversity should be celebrated and respected, as it reflects the creativity and inclusivity of the Creator.

In a spiritual sense, the verse also encourages believers to trust in God’s provision and care. The abundance of life in the waters and skies, as described in Genesis 1:21, is a testament to God’s ability to provide for His creation. This assurance of divine provision can inspire confidence and faith in God’s care for every aspect of our lives.

Comparison with Other Biblical Texts

Genesis 1:21 resonates with several other biblical texts that emphasize God’s creative power and the diversity of life. One such text is Psalm 104, which is often considered a poetic reflection on the Genesis creation narrative. In Psalm 104:24-25, the psalmist writes, “O Lord, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches. So is this great and wide sea, wherein are things creeping innumerable, both small and great beasts.” This passage echoes the themes of Genesis 1:21, highlighting the vastness of the sea and the multitude of creatures that inhabit it.

Another relevant text is Job 38-41, where God responds to Job’s questioning by describing the wonders of creation, including the sea creatures and birds. In Job 38:16, God asks, “Hast thou entered into the springs of the sea? or hast thou walked in the search of the depth?” Here, the depth and mystery of the sea are portrayed as beyond human comprehension, underscoring the grandeur of God’s creation as seen in Genesis 1:21.

The New Testament also reflects on the creation narrative. In Colossians 1:16, Paul writes, “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him.” This passage affirms the Christocentric view of creation, where all things, including the marine and avian life mentioned in Genesis 1:21, were created through and for Christ. This perspective ties the creation narrative to the larger redemptive story, where Christ is central.

Modern Relevance

The relevance of Genesis 1:21 in the modern world cannot be overstated. In an age of environmental awareness and concern for biodiversity, this verse speaks directly to contemporary issues. The verse’s emphasis on the abundance and variety of life encourages a deep respect for all living creatures and highlights the importance of environmental stewardship.

In today’s world, where the impact of human activity on the environment is increasingly evident, Genesis 1:21 serves as a reminder of the responsibility we bear as stewards of God’s creation. The preservation of marine and avian species, many of which are threatened by pollution, habitat loss, and climate change, is a critical application of the principles found in this verse.

Moreover, the concept of “after their kind” can be applied to the modern understanding of genetics and species preservation. The idea that each species reproduces according to its kind aligns with the scientific understanding of genetic inheritance and biodiversity. This verse, therefore, bridges the ancient text with contemporary scientific insights, affirming the compatibility of faith and science.

In a broader sense, Genesis 1:21 also speaks to the importance of recognizing and celebrating diversity in all its forms. Whether in nature or in human society, diversity is a reflection of God’s creativity and should be valued and protected. In a world that often struggles with issues of division and inequality, the message of this verse is a call to embrace and honor the diversity that God has woven into the fabric of creation.


Genesis 1:21 is a profound verse that encapsulates the richness and diversity of God’s creation. It offers a glimpse into the creative power of God, who brought forth life in all its forms and declared it good. The verse challenges us to appreciate the natural world, to steward it wisely, and to recognize the inherent value of every living creature.

As we reflect on Genesis 1:21, we are reminded of the divine order and intentionality in creation. Each species, created “after their kind,” is a testament to God’s wisdom and care. This understanding should inspire us to live in harmony with creation, to protect the environment, and to celebrate the diversity that God has ordained.

In a world that often struggles to balance progress with preservation, the message of Genesis 1:21 is more relevant than ever. It calls us to a deeper awareness of our role as stewards of the earth and to a greater appreciation of the beauty and complexity of the world around us. Ultimately, Genesis 1:21 points us to the Creator, whose handiwork is evident in every corner of the natural world and whose care for creation extends to every living being.

Genesis 1:21 Commentary

Genesis 1:21 has been the subject of much commentary and theological reflection throughout the centuries. Early Church Fathers, such as Augustine, saw in this verse the expression of God’s creative power and the inherent order in creation. Augustine, in his work “The City of God,” reflects on the creation narrative, emphasizing the goodness of all created things and the wisdom of God in their diversity.

The Reformers, including John Calvin, also commented on this verse, highlighting the providence of God in sustaining the natural world. Calvin, in his “Commentaries on the First Book of Moses Called Genesis,” notes that the creation of marine life and birds was not a random act but a deliberate and ordered process, reflecting God’s meticulous care.

In modern biblical scholarship, Genesis 1:21 is often discussed in the context of ancient Near Eastern creation myths, where the creation of sea creatures and birds is a common motif. However, the biblical account is unique in its monotheistic perspective, where God alone is the Creator, and His creation is inherently good and purposeful.

Contemporary theologians also explore the ecological implications of this verse, urging a reexamination of humanity’s relationship with the natural world. The verse is seen as a foundational text for a theology of creation care, where the diversity and abundance of life are viewed as gifts from God that must be cherished and preserved.

In conclusion, Genesis 1:21 is a rich and multifaceted verse that offers insights into the nature of God, the order of creation, and our responsibility as stewards of the earth. Its relevance spans both ancient and modern contexts, making it a timeless piece of divine revelation that continues to speak to us today.

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