
What Does Genesis 1 Say About God?

by Kevin

Genesis 1 is one of the most foundational chapters in the Bible. It begins with the creation of the world and reveals much about God‘s nature. This chapter is not just about how the world was made, but it is also a profound statement about who God is. Understanding Genesis 1 helps us to know God better and to see His power, wisdom, and love. In this article, we will explore what Genesis 1 says about God, using simple clauses and different font sizes to guide us through this important text.

God is the Creator of Everything

In the Beginning, God Created

The very first verse of Genesis 1 tells us something crucial: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” This simple sentence carries a deep meaning. It tells us that God is the one who made everything. There was nothing before God began His work of creation. Everything that exists, whether the sky, the earth, or anything in between, came from God.


God Spoke, and It Came to Be

As we read through Genesis 1, we see a pattern. God speaks, and things happen. He says, “Let there be light,” and there is light. He says, “Let the waters be gathered,” and the waters obey. This shows us that God’s words have incredible power. He does not need to work or struggle to create; He just speaks, and creation comes into being. This tells us that God is all-powerful. His will is done simply by His word.


God Created with Order and Purpose

Another important aspect of Genesis 1 is the order and purpose in creation. God did not create everything at once. He created light first, then the sky, then the land, and so on. Each day of creation builds on the previous one. This shows that God is a God of order. He has a plan and a purpose for everything He does. Nothing is random with God. Everything He creates has a specific place and purpose in His design.


God is Good and Generous

God Saw That It Was Good

After each act of creation, Genesis 1 tells us that “God saw that it was good.” This phrase is repeated six times in the chapter. It tells us that God is good and that everything He creates is good. God does not create anything bad or evil. His creation reflects His own goodness. This is important because it shows that the world was made with goodness at its core. Even though the world is now marred by sin, its original state was one of goodness, reflecting God’s own character.

God Provided Abundantly

In Genesis 1, we also see God’s generosity. He created plants that produce seeds, animals of all kinds, and filled the earth with resources. He created the sun, moon, and stars to give light and mark time. He provided everything that living beings would need to survive and thrive. This shows us that God is not only good but also generous. He gives abundantly to His creation, ensuring that all His creatures have what they need.

God Blessed His Creation

God did not just create the world and leave it to run on its own. He blessed His creation. He blessed the animals and told them to “be fruitful and multiply.” He did the same for humans, giving them a special role in His creation. This blessing shows that God cares for His creation. He wants it to flourish and grow. God’s blessing is a sign of His love and care for everything He has made.

God is Sovereign and Supreme

God Created Alone

Genesis 1 makes it clear that God created the world by Himself. There is no mention of any other gods or beings helping Him. This tells us that God is sovereign. He is the supreme ruler over all things. There is no one else like Him. He alone has the power to create and control the universe. This truth sets God apart from all other beings and shows that He is worthy of all worship and praise.

God Has Authority Over Creation

As the Creator, God has authority over everything He made. He commands the light to appear, and it does. He tells the waters where to go, and they obey. He gives humans the task of ruling over the earth, showing that He has the right to delegate authority. This authority comes from His position as the Creator. Because He made everything, He has the right to rule over it. This is why we refer to God as the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

God’s Plan is Perfect

The order and structure of creation in Genesis 1 also reveal that God’s plan is perfect. Everything was made in the right order, at the right time, and for the right purpose. Nothing was done out of place or out of time. This shows us that God’s wisdom is perfect. He knows exactly what needs to be done and when. His plan for creation, and for everything in the universe, is flawless.

See Also: Who Are God’s Chosen People in the Bible?

God is Personal and Relational

God Spoke to His Creation

One of the most striking aspects of Genesis 1 is that God speaks. He speaks to the light, the waters, the earth, and even to humans. This shows that God is not distant or impersonal. He is a God who communicates. He relates to His creation through His word. This personal aspect of God is important because it shows that He desires a relationship with His creation. He is not a distant force, but a personal God who interacts with the world He made.

God Created Humans in His Image

Genesis 1:26-27 tells us something unique about humans: “God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.’ So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” This is one of the most profound statements in the Bible. It tells us that humans are made to reflect God in a special way. We are made in His image, which means we have the capacity to know Him, love Him, and represent Him in the world. This shows that God values humans in a unique way and desires a deep relationship with us.

God Gave Humans a Purpose

God did not just create humans and leave them without direction. He gave them a purpose. He told them to “be fruitful and multiply,” to “fill the earth and subdue it,” and to “have dominion” over all living things. This purpose reflects God’s own authority and creativity. Humans are meant to continue God’s work of creation by filling the earth and ruling over it wisely. This shows that God wants us to be active participants in His creation, working alongside Him to fulfill His purposes.

God is Holy and Righteous

God Created with Holiness

The act of creation in Genesis 1 is not just an ordinary work; it is a holy act. God, who is holy, created the world in a way that reflects His holiness. Everything He made was good, pure, and without blemish. This shows that God’s work is always righteous and perfect. There is no flaw in His creation because there is no flaw in Him. This holiness is a key attribute of God, setting Him apart from everything else.

God’s Righteousness is Revealed in Creation

God’s righteousness is also revealed in the way He orders and governs His creation. He establishes boundaries for the waters, the land, and the sky. He sets the sun and moon to govern the day and night. This order reflects God’s righteous nature. He establishes what is right and good, and everything in creation follows His righteous laws. This shows us that God is not only holy but also righteous in all His ways.

God’s Holiness Calls for Worship

The holiness and righteousness of God revealed in Genesis 1 call for a response from His creation. When we see the order, beauty, and goodness of the world, we are led to worship the Creator. God’s holiness demands our reverence and awe. He is not just a powerful Creator but a holy and righteous one, deserving of all honor and praise. This is why worship is central to our relationship with God.

God is the Source of Life

God Gave Life to All Living Beings

Genesis 1 tells us that God is the source of all life. He created the plants, the animals, and finally, humans. Each form of life came into being because God willed it. He is the giver of life, and without Him, nothing would live. This shows us that life is a gift from God. It is not something we create on our own. Every living thing depends on God for its existence.

God Breathed Life into Humans

While God gave life to all living beings, He did something special for humans. Genesis 2:7 (which follows the narrative of Genesis 1) tells us that God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. This act of breathing life into humans shows that our life is directly connected to God. We are not just physical beings; we have a spiritual aspect that comes from God’s own breath. This makes human life sacred and gives us a unique connection to our Creator.

God Sustains Life

Not only did God give life, but He also sustains it. The plants produce seeds, the animals multiply, and humans continue to live because God sustains life. He provides the resources needed for life to continue. This shows us that God is not just the Creator but also the Sustainer of life. Without His ongoing provision, life would cease to exist. This dependence on God for life is a central theme in the Bible and a key aspect of our relationship with Him.

God’s Creation Reveals His Glory

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

Genesis 1 tells us that God created the heavens and the earth. Later in the Bible, in Psalm 19:1, we read, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork.” This means that all of creation, especially the heavens, reveals God’s glory. The vastness of the universe, the beauty of the stars, and the order of the planets all point to the greatness of God. His glory is seen in the things He has made.

God’s Glory is Reflected in the Earth

Not only do the heavens reveal God’s glory, but so does the earth. The mountains, oceans, forests, and all living creatures reflect the beauty and majesty of the Creator. Genesis 1 shows us that the earth was made to display God’s glory. Every part of creation, from the smallest flower to the largest mountain, speaks of God’s greatness. This is why nature often leads people to think about God and to worship Him.

Humans Reflect God’s Glory

As beings made in God’s image, humans have a special role in reflecting His glory. When we live according to God’s will, we show the world what God is like. Our ability to think, create, love, and rule reflects God’s own attributes. This is why our lives are meant to bring glory to God. In everything we do, we are to reflect His goodness, wisdom, and love. This is our highest calling as His creation.


Genesis 1 is a rich and profound chapter that tells us much about God. It reveals Him as the Creator, the source of life, the sovereign ruler, and the holy and righteous God. It shows us His power, wisdom, goodness, and love. Understanding what Genesis 1 says about God helps us to know Him better and to worship Him more deeply. As we reflect on this chapter, may we be drawn closer to the God who made us and who desires a relationship with us.

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