What Is God Called in the Book of Numbers?

by Alice

The Book of Numbers is the fourth book of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament. It is called “Numbers” because it begins with a census of the Israelites. However, the book is much more than a record of numbers. It tells the story of the Israelites’ journey through the wilderness. It recounts their experiences, challenges, and relationship with God.

Yahweh: The Covenant Name of God

One of the most significant names of God in the Book of Numbers is Yahweh. This name is often translated as “LORD” in many English Bibles. It is derived from the Hebrew verb “to be,” and it is related to the divine name revealed to Moses at the burning bush in Exodus 3:14, where God says, “I AM WHO I AM.” The name Yahweh reflects God’s eternal existence, His self-sufficiency, and His unchanging nature.

In Numbers, Yahweh is depicted as the covenant-keeping God. He is the God who made promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is the God who delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Yahweh is faithful to His people, even when they are unfaithful to Him. For example, in Numbers 14:18, Yahweh is described as “slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion.” However, He is also a God of justice, “yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished.”

Elohim: The Powerful Creator

Another name for God used in the Book of Numbers is Elohim. This name is often translated as “God” in English Bibles. Elohim is a plural form of the word “El,” which means “mighty one.” This name emphasizes God’s power and might as the Creator of the universe. It is used to describe God’s sovereignty over all creation.

In Numbers, Elohim is seen as the powerful God who guides and sustains His people. For example, in Numbers 23:19, it is said, “God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?” This verse highlights God’s reliability and power to fulfill His promises.

Adonai: The Lord and Master

Adonai is another name for God that appears in the Book of Numbers. Adonai is often translated as “Lord” and signifies God’s authority and lordship over His people. This name reflects the idea that God is the master and ruler of all. He has authority over His creation, and He expects obedience from His people.

In Numbers, Adonai is portrayed as the one who directs the Israelites’ journey through the wilderness. He gives them laws and instructions to follow. He is their leader and guide, providing them with the necessary direction to reach the Promised Land. For example, in Numbers 27:16-17, Moses prays to Adonai, asking Him to appoint a new leader for the people, saying, “May the LORD, the God of the spirits of all flesh, appoint a man over the congregation, who shall go out before them and come in before them, who shall lead them out and bring them in, that the congregation of the LORD may not be as sheep that have no shepherd.”

See Also: Who Wrote the Book of Numbers and Why?

El Shaddai: God Almighty

In the Book of Numbers, God is also referred to as El Shaddai, which means “God Almighty” or “The All-Sufficient One.” This name emphasizes God’s supreme power and might. It portrays God as the one who is able to provide for all the needs of His people, no matter the circumstances.

El Shaddai is a name that reminds the Israelites of God’s ability to protect, sustain, and bless them. Even in the harsh conditions of the wilderness, God Almighty is able to provide water, food, and protection. For example, in Numbers 24:4, the prophet Balaam, speaking of God, says, “The oracle of one who hears the words of God, who sees a vision of the Almighty, who falls prostrate, and whose eyes are opened.”

Jehovah Sabaoth: The Lord of Hosts

The name Jehovah Sabaoth or “The Lord of Hosts” is another title that reveals an important aspect of God’s character in the Book of Numbers. This name signifies God as the commander of the armies of heaven. It portrays Him as a warrior who fights on behalf of His people.

Jehovah Rapha: The Lord Who Heals

Another significant name of God in the Book of Numbers is Jehovah Rapha, which means “The Lord Who Heals.” This name highlights God’s power to heal and restore. It reflects God’s care and compassion for His people, especially when they are suffering or in need of healing.

Jehovah Nissi: The Lord Is My Banner

In the Book of Numbers, God is also referred to as Jehovah Nissi, which means “The Lord Is My Banner.” This name symbolizes God’s presence and protection over His people. It is a name that reflects God’s role as the leader and protector of the Israelites.


The Book of Numbers reveals many different names and titles for God, each of which highlights a different aspect of His nature and character. Yahweh is the covenant-keeping God, Elohim is the powerful Creator, and Adonai is the Lord and Master.

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