What Is the Blessing Prayer in the Book of Numbers?

by Alice

The Book of Numbers, the fourth book of the Bible, contains a special prayer known as the Aaronic Blessing or the Priestly Blessing. This prayer is found in Numbers 6:24-26 and is a short but powerful prayer that has been used by priests, pastors, and believers for thousands of years. It is a prayer that asks for God’s favor, protection, and peace for those who receive it. This article explores the meaning, significance, and use of this blessing prayer in the Bible and in modern times.

The Text of the Blessing Prayer

The blessing prayer in the Book of Numbers is recorded as follows:

“The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you;
The LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.”
(Numbers 6:24-26, NIV)

This prayer is often called the Aaronic Blessing because God instructed Moses to give it to Aaron and his sons, the priests of Israel, to use when blessing the people of Israel. The prayer is divided into three distinct lines, each beginning with “The LORD.” Each line invokes a specific aspect of God’s blessing.

The Structure and Meaning of the Blessing Prayer

The prayer is a triadic blessing, meaning it has three parts. Each part builds on the previous one, expanding the scope and depth of the blessing.

“The LORD bless you and keep you”:

This first line asks for God’s blessing and protection. To be “blessed” by God means to receive His favor and goodness. When God blesses someone, He bestows upon them His kindness, prosperity, and spiritual well-being. The word “keep” refers to God’s protection. It is a request for God to watch over and guard the person being blessed, shielding them from harm and evil.

“The LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you”:

The second line speaks of God’s presence and grace. The phrase “make his face shine on you” is a poetic way of describing God’s favor and attention. When God’s face shines upon someone, it means He is looking upon them with approval and love. To “be gracious” means to show kindness and mercy. This line asks for God’s grace, which is His unmerited favor, to be extended to the person.

“The LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace”:

The final line emphasizes God’s personal attention and the gift of peace. “Turn his face toward you” suggests an intimate and caring relationship with God. It is a request for God to be attentive and responsive to the needs and prayers of the person. The word “peace” in Hebrew is “shalom,” which means more than just the absence of conflict. Shalom encompasses completeness, well-being, health, and harmony. This line asks for God’s peace to fill every aspect of the person’s life.

The Significance of the Blessing Prayer

The Aaronic Blessing is one of the most ancient prayers in the Bible. It holds deep significance both in the context of the Old Testament and in the life of the Church today.

In the Context of the Old Testament:

Priestly Role: The prayer was given to Aaron and his descendants, who were the priests of Israel. The priests had the role of mediating between God and the people. By pronouncing this blessing, the priests were invoking God’s name over the people, asking for His presence and favor to be with them. The prayer was a way of conferring God’s blessing upon the entire nation of Israel.

See Also:  Who Wrote the Book of Numbers and Why?

Covenant Relationship: The blessing prayer reflects the covenant relationship between God and Israel. God chose Israel as His people, and this prayer was a reminder of that special relationship. It assured the people of God’s continued protection, grace, and peace as long as they remained faithful to Him.

In Christian Tradition:

Liturgical Use: The Aaronic Blessing has been incorporated into Christian worship services for centuries. It is often used as a benediction at the end of a service, where the pastor or priest pronounces the blessing over the congregation. This practice continues the tradition of invoking God’s favor and protection upon the people, just as the priests did in ancient Israel.

Personal Prayer: Many Christians use this prayer in their personal devotions. It is a powerful way to pray for oneself or for others, asking for God’s blessing, grace, and peace. The simplicity and depth of the prayer make it accessible and meaningful for believers in any situation.

Symbol of God’s Presence: For Christians, the prayer is a symbol of God’s constant presence and care. It serves as a reminder that God is with His people, offering His love, protection, and peace. The prayer reassures believers that they are under God’s watchful eye and that His grace is sufficient for all their needs.


The blessing prayer in the Book of Numbers, known as the Aaronic Blessing, is a profound and timeless prayer that has been cherished by believers for millennia. Its threefold petition for God’s blessing, grace, and peace encapsulates the heart of the biblical message of God’s love and care for His people.

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