Legal Challenges Arise Over Oklahoma State Department of Education’s Bible Mandate

by Mia

The Oklahoma State Department of Education finds itself embroiled in legal disputes following its directive to introduce Bibles into classrooms, a move contested on constitutional grounds.

Joseph Price, a concerned parent from Mayes County, filed a lawsuit challenging the mandate, arguing that it breaches the separation of church and state and encroaches upon religious liberties of Oklahomans.

Simultaneously, four advocacy groups have initiated efforts to obtain records from the Department regarding the mandate. This endeavor, led by the Freedom from Religion Foundation’s Patrick Elliott, aims to assess grounds for potential legal action.

“It appears that Ryan Walters wants to blatantly violate the U.S. Constitution and the Oklahoma Constitution. He wants to violate his oath of office to push his religious beliefs, not only on families and students but also on educators throughout the state,” Elliott asserted.

Collaborating with the ACLU, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, and Oklahoma Appleseed Center for Law and Justice, these groups seek comprehensive information from the State Department of Education.

Alex Luchenitser of Americans United for Separation of Church and State acknowledged the possibility of litigation pending the outcome of their records request.

“We’re looking at that. We’re discussing it. We’re doing researching it, talking to each other and talking to people on the ground,” Luchenitser stated.

Superintendent Ryan Walters remains steadfast in his stance despite mounting legal challenges, emphasizing the educational significance of incorporating the Bible into curriculum.

“It’s so important. It’s a crucial part of our history. We have to have it in the classroom,” Walters affirmed.

Responding to criticism and legal actions, Walters defended the clarity of guidance provided to school districts, accusing the requesting groups of obstructing academic progress.

“The guidance provided to school districts is clear and there will be full compliance with all academic standards. History will not be rewritten by radical leftists in Oklahoma,” Walters asserted. “These out-of-state, left-wing activists are as dedicated to thwarting academic advancement in Oklahoma as they are wrong about the use of the Bible as an instructional support in our classrooms.”

The unfolding legal dispute underscores deep divisions over the role of religion in public education, setting the stage for potential legal showdowns in the coming months.

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