How Long Does It Take to Read the Book of Exodus?

by Mia

The Book of Exodus, the second book of the Bible, is a foundational text in both Judaism and Christianity. Its narratives, laws, and teachings have shaped religious thought and practice for millennia. For anyone looking to read the Book of Exodus, understanding the time investment required is important for proper planning and deeper engagement with the text. This article delves into various factors affecting the reading time of Exodus, including its structure, content, reading speed, and methods of study.

Structure and Content of Exodus

Exodus is comprised of 40 chapters, making it one of the more substantial books in the Bible. The content can be broadly divided into two main sections:

Narrative (Chapters 1-18): This section recounts the story of the Israelites’ enslavement in Egypt, the birth and rise of Moses, the ten plagues, the Exodus from Egypt, and the crossing of the Red Sea.

Law and Covenant (Chapters 19-40): This part includes the giving of the Ten Commandments, instructions for building the Tabernacle, and various laws and regulations.

These sections vary in density and complexity, which can affect reading speed. The narrative portion is generally faster to read due to its story-like structure, while the legal and instructional portions may require more time for comprehension.

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Factors Influencing Reading Time

Several factors influence how long it takes to read the Book of Exodus:

Reading Speed:

  • Average Reader: An average reader reads at a speed of approximately 200-250 words per minute (wpm).
  • Skilled Reader: A skilled reader can read at speeds of 300-400 wpm or more.

Purpose of Reading:

  • Devotional Reading: This type of reading involves a slower pace, allowing for meditation and reflection. Readers may take time to pray and ponder the meanings and implications of the text.
  • Academic Study: This approach involves a meticulous and deliberate pace, often requiring cross-referencing, consulting commentaries, and taking notes.
  • Casual Reading: Reading for general understanding and enjoyment tends to be faster but less detailed.

Textual Complexity:

  • Narrative Passages: These are typically quicker to read as they follow a storyline.
  • Legal and Instructional Passages: These sections are more detailed and can slow down reading due to their complex nature.

Reading Medium:

  • Print: Traditional books can be read without the distractions that sometimes accompany digital devices.
  • Digital: E-readers and online platforms offer conveniences like search functions and adjustable text sizes, which can influence reading speed.
  • Audio: Listening to the Book of Exodus can vary greatly in time depending on the narrator’s speed. Audio Bibles typically pace around 150-200 wpm.

Estimating Reading Time

To estimate how long it will take to read the Book of Exodus, we need to consider its word count and the reader’s speed. Exodus contains approximately 32,685 words in the King James Version (KJV). Here’s a breakdown based on different reading speeds:

Average Reader (200-250 wpm):

  • 200 wpm: 32,685 words / 200 wpm = 163.4 minutes (~2 hours 43 minutes)
  • 250 wpm: 32,685 words / 250 wpm = 130.74 minutes (~2 hours 11 minutes)

Skilled Reader (300-400 wpm):

  • 300 wpm: 32,685 words / 300 wpm = 108.95 minutes (~1 hour 49 minutes)
  • 400 wpm: 32,685 words / 400 wpm = 81.71 minutes (~1 hour 22 minutes)

For an audio Bible, assuming a moderate pace of 175 wpm:

  • 175 wpm: 32,685 words / 175 wpm = 186.77 minutes (~3 hours 7 minutes)

Strategies for Efficient Reading

Set Goals: Define your reading objectives, whether it’s to understand the historical context, gain spiritual insight, or prepare for a study group.

Schedule Reading Time: Allocate specific times of the day for reading to ensure consistency. Breaking down the book into manageable segments can prevent overwhelm.

Utilize Study Aids: Use commentaries, study Bibles, and footnotes to aid understanding, especially for complex legal sections.

Engage in Group Study: Reading and discussing in a group can provide different perspectives and enhance comprehension.

Supplement with Audio: Listening to an audio version while following along in the text can improve retention and understanding.

Deepening Understanding

To gain a deeper understanding of Exodus, consider the following approaches:

Historical Context: Learn about the historical and cultural background of ancient Egypt and Israel. Understanding the context can enrich your reading experience.

Theological Themes: Explore the major theological themes such as liberation, covenant, law, and God’s relationship with His people. Reflect on how these themes are relevant today.

Literary Analysis: Examine the literary structure, narrative techniques, and rhetorical devices used in Exodus. This can reveal deeper layers of meaning and enhance appreciation for the text.

Comparative Study: Compare the events and laws in Exodus with other parts of the Bible. This can highlight continuity and development in biblical theology.


Reading the Book of Exodus is a significant undertaking that requires time and dedication. On average, it may take an average reader between 2 to 3 hours to complete, while skilled readers might finish in under 2 hours. However, these estimates can vary based on reading speed, purpose, and method. By setting clear goals, scheduling reading time, and utilizing various study aids, readers can enhance their understanding and appreciation of this foundational biblical text. Whether read for personal devotion, academic study, or general interest, the Book of Exodus offers profound insights into faith, history, and the human condition.

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