Which Book of the Bible Follows Deuteronomy?

by Amanda Wilson

The Bible is a compilation of various books. Each has its unique significance and message. The book of Deuteronomy is the fifth book of the Bible. It concludes the Pentateuch, also known as the Torah in Judaism. This collection includes Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. These books are attributed to Moses. They cover the creation of the world, the history of the patriarchs, the exodus from Egypt, and the wanderings in the desert.

Deuteronomy, specifically, is a book of speeches. Moses addresses the Israelites before they enter the Promised Land. He recounts their journey, reiterates the laws, and urges them to remain faithful to God. The book ends with the death of Moses on Mount Nebo. He views the Promised Land but does not enter it.

Joshua: The Next Book in the Bible

The book that follows Deuteronomy is Joshua. It marks a significant transition. While the first five books are centered on Moses, Joshua shifts the focus. It tells the story of the Israelites under new leadership. Joshua, the son of Nun, becomes the central figure. He takes up the mantle after Moses’ death.

The Structure and Content of Joshua

The book of Joshua is structured into several key sections. Each plays a crucial role in understanding the narrative and theological themes.

1. Chapters 1-5: Preparation for the Conquest

  • Joshua is commissioned as the new leader.
  • The Israelites prepare to cross the Jordan River.
  • Spies are sent to Jericho, and Rahab hides them.
  • The crossing of the Jordan River is miraculous, reminiscent of the Red Sea crossing.
  • The Israelites celebrate Passover in the Promised Land.

2. Chapters 6-12: The Conquest of Canaan

  • The fall of Jericho is a significant event. The walls collapse after the Israelites march around them for seven days.
  • The battle of Ai follows. The initial defeat is due to Achan’s sin. Once dealt with, Ai is captured.
  • Various other campaigns and battles occur. The land is gradually conquered.
  • A coalition of kings tries to stop Israel. They are defeated in the battles of Gibeon and the southern and northern campaigns.

3. Chapters 13-22: Division of the Land

  • The land is divided among the twelve tribes of Israel.
  • Specific allotments and boundaries are described in detail.
  • The cities of refuge and Levitical cities are established.

4. Chapters 23-24: Joshua’s Farewell and Covenant Renewal

  • Joshua gives a farewell address, urging the people to remain faithful.
  • The covenant is renewed at Shechem.
  • Joshua dies at the age of 110, and he is buried in the Promised Land.

Themes in the Book of Joshua

Several themes are prevalent in the book of Joshua. These themes provide deeper insights into the narrative and its implications.

1. Leadership Transition

The transition from Moses to Joshua highlights continuity and change. Joshua is portrayed as a capable and faithful leader. He continues the mission started by Moses.

2. Divine Faithfulness

God’s faithfulness to His promises is a central theme. The conquest of Canaan fulfills the promise made to Abraham. God guides and supports the Israelites throughout their journey.

3. Obedience and Faith

The book emphasizes the importance of obedience to God. Joshua and the Israelites are successful when they follow God’s commands. Disobedience leads to setbacks and failures, as seen in the battle of Ai.

4. Covenant Renewal

The renewal of the covenant at Shechem underscores the ongoing relationship between God and Israel. It calls the people to recommit to their faith and obedience.

Significance of Joshua in the Biblical Canon

The book of Joshua holds a significant place in the biblical canon. It serves as a bridge between the Pentateuch and the historical books. It transitions from the law-giving and wilderness wandering to the settlement in the Promised Land. This shift is crucial for understanding the subsequent history of Israel.

1. Historical Context

Joshua provides a historical context for the period of the Judges and the establishment of the monarchy. It sets the stage for the later narratives of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles.

2. Theological Insights

The theological insights in Joshua are foundational. They underscore God’s sovereignty, the importance of faith, and the consequences of obedience and disobedience. These themes resonate throughout the rest of the Old Testament.

3. Literary Connection

The literary connection between Deuteronomy and Joshua is evident. The style and themes of Deuteronomy are carried into Joshua. This continuity reinforces the message and the historical narrative.

Joshua’s Role in the Broader Biblical Narrative

The broader biblical narrative sees Joshua as a key figure. His role and actions impact the unfolding story of Israel.

1. Fulfillment of Promises

Joshua’s leadership leads to the fulfillment of the promises made to the patriarchs. The land promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is finally possessed by their descendants.

2. Example of Faith

Joshua serves as an example of faith and courage. His trust in God and his unwavering commitment are highlighted. These qualities are held up as a standard for future leaders and believers.

3. Foundation for Future Events

The events in Joshua lay the foundation for future developments. The division of the land, the establishment of cities, and the covenant renewal are all crucial for understanding the subsequent history of Israel.

Challenges and Controversies in Joshua

The book of Joshua is not without its challenges and controversies. These aspects have been the subject of much scholarly debate.

1. Historical Accuracy

The historical accuracy of the conquest narrative has been questioned. Archaeological evidence has not always aligned with the biblical account. This has led to various interpretations and theories.

2. Moral and Ethical Issues

The conquest of Canaan raises moral and ethical issues. The command to destroy entire cities, including women and children, is troubling. Various interpretations seek to address these issues, but they remain complex and challenging.

3. Literary and Theological Interpretations

The literary and theological interpretations of Joshua vary. Some see it as a historical account, while others view it as theological literature. These differing perspectives impact the understanding and application of the text.

Modern Relevance of the Book of Joshua

Despite the challenges, the book of Joshua remains relevant today. Its themes and lessons continue to speak to modern readers.

1. Faith and Obedience

The call to faith and obedience is timeless. Joshua’s example of trust in God and adherence to His commands is inspiring. Believers today can learn from his dedication and courage.

2. God’s Faithfulness

The theme of God’s faithfulness is a source of comfort and assurance. The fulfillment of promises in Joshua reminds believers of God’s unchanging nature. It encourages trust in His plans and purposes.

See Also: What Did God Promise in Exodus 3?

3. Community and Covenant

The emphasis on community and covenant is significant. The renewal of the covenant at Shechem highlights the importance of collective commitment. It calls communities to renew their dedication to God and His ways.


The book of Joshua follows Deuteronomy in the biblical canon. It marks a transition from the leadership of Moses to that of Joshua. The narrative of conquest, division of the land, and covenant renewal are central to the book. Joshua’s themes of leadership, divine faithfulness, obedience, and covenant renewal provide deep theological insights. The book holds a significant place in the biblical narrative, bridging the Pentateuch and the historical books. Despite challenges and controversies, Joshua remains relevant, offering lessons on faith, obedience, and God’s faithfulness.

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