
What Are the Promises of the Book of Numbers?

by Alice

The Book of Numbers, the fourth book of the Bible, is part of the Pentateuch and continues the narrative of the Israelites’ journey from Egypt to the Promised Land. It covers a span of nearly 40 years, documenting their experiences, challenges, and the divine promises that guided them through their wilderness wanderings. Numbers is rich in its portrayal of God’s faithfulness, despite the recurring themes of human failure and rebellion. This article explores the key promises found in the Book of Numbers, highlighting their significance and relevance to the Israelites and to believers today.

The Promise of God’s Presence

One of the central themes in the Book of Numbers is the assurance of God’s presence with His people. This promise is foundational, providing the Israelites with a sense of security and identity as they journeyed through uncertain and often hostile territory.


The Cloud and Fire

In Numbers 9:15-23, the presence of God is symbolized by the cloud that covered the Tabernacle by day and the appearance of fire by night. This visible manifestation of God’s presence was a constant reminder that He was with them, guiding and protecting them. The Israelites moved and encamped according to the movement of the cloud, demonstrating their dependence on God’s guidance.


The Promise of Guidance

God’s presence was not just a comforting symbol but a practical guide. Numbers 10:33-34 describes how the Ark of the Covenant, representing God’s presence, went before the people to seek out a resting place for them. This promise of divine guidance assured the Israelites that they would not be left to wander aimlessly but would be led to the places God had prepared for them.


The Promise of Provision

The journey through the wilderness posed numerous logistical challenges, particularly regarding food and water. Yet, throughout the Book of Numbers, God repeatedly promised and provided for the needs of His people.

Manna and Quail

In Numbers 11:4-9, the Israelites complain about the monotony of the manna, the miraculous food God provided daily. Despite their grumbling, God responds with patience and continues to provide sustenance. He even sends quail to satisfy their craving for meat (Numbers 11:31-32). This episode underscores God’s commitment to meeting the physical needs of His people, even when they doubted and complained.

Water from the Rock

In Numbers 20:2-13, we see another instance of God’s provision when the Israelites faced a severe water shortage. Despite Moses‘ failure to follow God’s instructions precisely, God still provides water from the rock at Meribah. This miracle reinforced the promise that God would sustain His people, providing for them even in seemingly impossible situations.

The Promise of Protection

The wilderness was fraught with dangers, from hostile nations to natural hazards. Throughout the Book of Numbers, God promises and demonstrates His protection over the Israelites.

Victory Over Enemies

One of the most significant demonstrations of God’s protective promise is found in Numbers 21:1-3, where the Israelites defeat the Canaanite king of Arad. Later, in Numbers 21:21-35, they also achieve victory over the Amorite kings Sihon and Og. These victories were not due to the Israelites’ military prowess but were direct results of God’s intervention and protection.

The Bronze Serpent

In Numbers 21:4-9, we encounter the episode of the bronze serpent. When fiery serpents attack the Israelites as a result of their sin, God instructs Moses to make a bronze serpent and set it on a pole. Anyone bitten by a serpent could look at the bronze serpent and live. This not only provided immediate physical healing but also symbolized God’s promise to protect and deliver His people from the consequences of their sins.

The Promise of Inheritance

Central to the narrative of Numbers is the promise of the land, the inheritance God had pledged to Abraham and his descendants. Despite the delays and detours caused by the Israelites’ disobedience, this promise remained a steadfast hope.

The Spies and the Promised Land

In Numbers 13-14, we read about the twelve spies sent to scout the Promised Land. Despite the discouraging report from ten of the spies, Joshua and Caleb affirm the promise of God, urging the people to trust in His power to give them the land. Although the Israelites’ lack of faith leads to a 40-year delay, the promise of the land remains intact, highlighting God’s unwavering commitment to His covenant.

The Daughters of Zelophehad

Numbers 27:1-11 presents the case of the daughters of Zelophehad, who appeal to Moses for the right to inherit their father’s land. God honors their request, affirming that the inheritance promises extend to all His people, regardless of gender. This episode reinforces the inclusivity and fairness of God’s promises concerning the inheritance of the land.

The Promise of Blessing

The Book of Numbers contains explicit promises of blessing, which encompass both material and spiritual aspects of life.

The Priestly Blessing

In Numbers 6:22-27, God instructs Moses to tell Aaron and his sons to bless the people of Israel with a specific blessing:”The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.”

This blessing encapsulates the comprehensive nature of God’s promises—protection, favor, grace, and peace. It serves as a powerful reminder of God’s desire to bless His people in every aspect of their lives.

Balaam’s Blessings

Numbers 22-24 recounts the story of Balaam, a prophet hired by Balak, king of Moab, to curse Israel. Despite his intentions, Balaam ends up blessing Israel repeatedly, underlining the invincibility of God’s blessing upon His people. Balaam’s oracles highlight God’s unchanging purpose to bless Israel and fulfill His promises, regardless of external opposition.

The Promise of a Future Hope

While many of the promises in the Book of Numbers have immediate relevance to the Israelites’ journey, they also point to a future hope and fulfillment beyond their immediate circumstances.

Prophecy of the Star

In Numbers 24:17, Balaam prophesies about a star coming out of Jacob and a scepter rising out of Israel. This prophecy is often seen as a Messianic promise, pointing forward to the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises through the coming of the Messiah. This future hope provided the Israelites with a long-term perspective, encouraging them to look beyond their current struggles to God’s ultimate plan of redemption.

The Final Inheritance

The promises of Numbers are ultimately tied to the broader biblical narrative of God’s redemptive plan. The inheritance of the Promised Land serves as a foretaste of the greater inheritance that believers have in Christ. Hebrews 4:1-11 connects the promise of rest in the land with the ultimate rest that God offers through Jesus. This future-oriented promise gives believers today a perspective of hope and assurance in God’s eternal purposes.

See Also: Genesis 8: The Story of Renewal and Promise

Lessons from the Promises of Numbers

The promises found in the Book of Numbers are not just historical relics but hold timeless truths and lessons for believers today. Here are a few key takeaways:

Trust in God’s Presence

Just as the Israelites were assured of God’s presence through the cloud and fire, believers today can be confident of God’s constant presence through the Holy Spirit. This presence guides, comforts, and empowers us as we navigate the challenges of life.

Dependence on God’s Provision

The Israelites’ journey reminds us of the importance of depending on God for our daily needs. Whether it’s physical sustenance or spiritual nourishment, God’s provision is always sufficient and timely.

Confidence in God’s Protection

God’s protection over the Israelites, despite their fears and failures, encourages believers to trust in His sovereign care. No matter the circumstances, we can be assured that God is our shield and defender.

Hope in God’s Promises

The promises of inheritance and blessing in Numbers point to the broader narrative of God’s redemptive plan. As believers, we can hold on to the hope of our eternal inheritance in Christ, knowing that God’s promises are sure and steadfast.

Faithfulness to God’s Commands

The Israelites’ experiences in the wilderness underscore the importance of faithfulness and obedience to God’s commands. Their failures serve as warnings, while their victories highlight the blessings of walking in alignment with God’s will.


The Book of Numbers, with its rich tapestry of divine promises, offers profound insights into the character of God and His dealings with His people. Through promises of presence, provision, protection, inheritance, and blessing, God reveals His unwavering faithfulness and love. These promises, though given to the Israelites in a specific historical context, transcend time and continue to resonate with believers today. As we reflect on these promises, may we be encouraged to trust, depend on, and faithfully follow the God who leads us from bondage to freedom, from wilderness to the Promised Land.


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