
How is Jesus Revealed in Leviticus?

by Amanda Wilson

The book of Leviticus is often seen as a book of laws and rituals, filled with detailed instructions about offerings, sacrifices, and cleanliness. However, for Christians, it also holds deep significance as it foreshadows and reveals Jesus Christ in profound ways. This article explores how Jesus is revealed in the book of Leviticus through various aspects, including the sacrificial system, the priesthood, the festivals, and the laws of cleanliness and holiness.

The Sacrificial System

The Burnt Offering

In Leviticus, the burnt offering is described in detail. It was a voluntary act of worship and atonement for unintentional sin. The animal had to be without defect, symbolizing purity and perfection. Jesus, as the Lamb of God, fulfilled this role. He was sinless and offered Himself willingly as a sacrifice for our sins. The burnt offering was completely consumed by fire, representing total surrender to God. Jesus’ sacrifice was total and complete, covering all our sins.


The Grain Offering

The grain offering was an expression of thanksgiving and dedication to God. It consisted of fine flour, oil, and frankincense. Jesus, often referred to as the Bread of Life, embodies this offering. He is the perfect and pure offering, dedicated to God. The grain offering also involved no leaven, symbolizing purity and the absence of sin. Jesus was without sin, offering Himself as the perfect sacrifice.


The Peace Offering

The peace offering was a voluntary act of worship and thanksgiving, symbolizing peace and fellowship with God. It involved sharing a meal, representing communion with God. Jesus, through His sacrifice, made peace between God and humanity. He invites us to fellowship with Him, sharing in the peace and reconciliation He provides.


The Sin Offering

The sin offering was for atonement of unintentional sins, providing purification and forgiveness. Jesus, as the ultimate sin offering, bore our sins on the cross, offering purification and forgiveness. He was the perfect sacrifice, taking our place and bearing the punishment we deserve.

The Guilt Offering

The guilt offering was for specific sins requiring restitution. It emphasized the need for restitution and reconciliation. Jesus’ sacrifice goes beyond forgiveness; it provides full restitution for our sins. He restores us to a right relationship with God, reconciling us through His sacrifice.

The Priesthood

The High Priest

Leviticus describes the role of the high priest, who was the mediator between God and the people. He entered the Holy of Holies once a year to make atonement for the people’s sins. Jesus is our High Priest, mediating between God and humanity. He entered the heavenly Holy of Holies once for all, making a perfect atonement for our sins. Unlike the earthly high priests, who had to offer sacrifices repeatedly, Jesus’ sacrifice was once and for all.

The Priestly Garments

The high priest wore special garments, symbolizing holiness and purity. Jesus, our High Priest, embodies these qualities perfectly. His righteousness covers us, making us acceptable before God. The high priest’s garments also included the breastplate with twelve stones, representing the twelve tribes of Israel. Jesus bears us on His heart, interceding for us before God.

The Anointing

The priests were anointed with oil, symbolizing the Holy Spirit’s empowerment for their ministry. Jesus was anointed by the Holy Spirit at His baptism, marking the beginning of His public ministry. He was empowered by the Holy Spirit to fulfill His mission of salvation.

The Festivals


Passover commemorates Israel’s deliverance from Egypt. The Passover lamb’s blood protected the Israelites from the plague of death. Jesus is our Passover Lamb. His blood delivers us from the plague of sin and death. He instituted the Lord’s Supper during Passover, signifying the new covenant in His blood.

Feast of Unleavened Bread

This festival followed Passover, emphasizing the removal of leaven (sin) and living a holy life. Jesus, the Bread of Life, was without sin. Through His sacrifice, He removes our sin and calls us to live holy lives.

Feast of Firstfruits

This festival celebrated the first harvest, offering the first fruits to God. Jesus is the firstfruits of the resurrection, the first to rise from the dead. His resurrection guarantees our future resurrection and eternal life.

Feast of Weeks (Pentecost)

Pentecost celebrated the harvest and the giving of the Law at Sinai. Jesus fulfilled this by sending the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, empowering the Church for its mission. The Holy Spirit writes God’s law on our hearts, enabling us to live according to His will.

Feast of Trumpets

This festival marked the beginning of the civil year, calling people to prepare for the Day of Atonement. It symbolizes Jesus’ return, when the trumpet will sound, and He will gather His people.

Day of Atonement

This was the most solemn day, when the high priest made atonement for the people’s sins. Jesus, our High Priest, made the ultimate atonement for our sins through His sacrifice. He entered the heavenly sanctuary, offering His own blood for our redemption.

Feast of Tabernacles

This festival commemorated Israel’s wilderness journey and God’s provision. It symbolizes Jesus’ incarnation, when He “tabernacled” among us, providing for our spiritual needs. It also points to the future, when God will dwell with His people eternally.

See Also: Did Jesus Say Moses Wrote Genesis?

Laws of Cleanliness and Holiness

Clean and Unclean Animals

Leviticus outlines dietary laws distinguishing clean and unclean animals. These laws symbolized the need for purity and separation from sin. Jesus declared all foods clean, emphasizing inner purity over external rituals. He calls us to purity of heart and life.

Leprosy and Cleansing

Leviticus provides detailed instructions for diagnosing and cleansing leprosy. Leprosy symbolized sin and its defiling effects. Jesus cleansed lepers, demonstrating His power to cleanse us from sin. His touch brings healing and purification.

Holiness Code

Leviticus 17-26 is known as the Holiness Code, emphasizing holy living in all areas of life. Jesus fulfills this by calling us to a higher standard of holiness. He empowers us to live holy lives through the Holy Spirit.

Sabbath and Jubilee

The Sabbath and Jubilee laws provided rest and restoration. Jesus is our Sabbath rest, offering rest from the burden of sin. He proclaimed the year of the Lord’s favor, bringing spiritual liberation and restoration.


The book of Leviticus, with its detailed laws and rituals, may seem distant and difficult to understand. However, for Christians, it holds profound significance as it foreshadows and reveals Jesus Christ. Through the sacrificial system, the priesthood, the festivals, and the laws of cleanliness and holiness, Leviticus points to Jesus, the ultimate fulfillment of God’s plan of salvation. He is the perfect sacrifice, the High Priest, the Bread of Life, the firstfruits of the resurrection, and our Sabbath rest. As we study Leviticus, we gain a deeper understanding of Jesus’ work and His call to holiness.


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