
3 Question Method of Bible Study: Things You Need to Know

by Mia

In the vast landscape of biblical study methodologies, the Three Question Method stands out as a powerful tool for delving into the rich layers of meaning within the sacred text. Developed as a systematic approach to engage with Scripture, this method facilitates a profound exploration of the text, leading to deeper understanding and spiritual growth. In this article, we will delve into the essence of the Three Question Method, its underlying principles, and practical examples of its application.

1. Understanding the Three Questions

At its core, the Three Question Method revolves around three fundamental inquiries:

  • What does the text say?
  • What does the text mean?
  • How does the text apply to my life?

Each question serves a distinct purpose, guiding the reader through a comprehensive analysis of the biblical passage.


What does the text say?

This initial question directs attention to the surface level of the text, focusing on its literal meaning, historical context, and linguistic nuances. It involves a careful examination of the words, phrases, and narratives presented in the passage. For example, consider the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37.


Upon asking, “What does the text say?” one observes Jesus narrating a story about a man who was beaten and left for dead on the side of the road. A priest and a Levite pass by without offering assistance, while a Samaritan, traditionally despised by the Jewish audience, extends compassion and aid to the wounded man.

What does the text mean?

Moving beyond the surface level, the second question delves into the deeper significance and theological implications of the passage. It involves exploring the historical context, cultural background, and literary genre to discern the intended message of the text. In the case of the Good Samaritan parable, understanding the meaning requires insight into Jesus’ teachings on love, compassion, and the nature of true neighborliness.

The parable challenges conventional notions of religious identity and calls for a radical redefinition of neighborly love. The Samaritan, often viewed as an outsider, emerges as the exemplar of compassion, emphasizing the universal call to extend care and mercy to all, regardless of social or ethnic boundaries.

How does the text apply to my life?

The final question bridges the gap between biblical interpretation and personal transformation. It prompts the reader to reflect on the practical implications of the text for their own life and faith journey. Applying the lessons gleaned from the passage, individuals are called to embody its principles in their attitudes, actions, and relationships. Returning to the Good Samaritan parable, one may contemplate how they can emulate the Samaritan’s compassion in their interactions with others, especially those marginalized or in need.

2. Principles of Application

To effectively utilize the Three Question Method, several guiding principles should be observed:

Contextual Analysis: Before answering the questions, it is essential to immerse oneself in the broader context of the passage, including its historical, cultural, and literary background. This contextual understanding provides the necessary framework for accurate interpretation.

Scripture Interpretates Scripture: The Bible is its best interpreter. Drawing connections between different passages and themes within Scripture illuminates the deeper layers of meaning and reinforces the cohesive message of God’s Word.

Spiritual Sensitivity: Approach the text with an openness to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, recognizing that spiritual insight often transcends human understanding. Prayerful reflection and dependence on divine wisdom are integral to discerning the deeper truths embedded in Scripture.

3. Practical Examples

To illustrate the application of the Three Question Method, let us explore two additional biblical passages:

Psalm 23

What does the text say? The psalmist poetically describes the Lord as a shepherd who provides for and protects his flock. The imagery evokes pastoral scenes of green pastures, still waters, and paths of righteousness.

What does the text mean? Beyond its pastoral imagery, Psalm 23 conveys profound theological truths about God’s character and care for His people. It reassures believers of God’s steadfast presence, guidance, and provision, even in the midst of life’s trials and uncertainties.

How does the text apply to my life? Psalm 23 invites individuals to cultivate a deep trust in God’s providence and to find rest and security in His loving embrace. In times of adversity, it serves as a source of comfort and strength, reminding believers of God’s faithfulness and unfailing goodness.

Matthew 5:13-16 (Salt and Light)

What does the text say? Jesus uses the metaphors of salt and light to illustrate the transformative influence of His followers in the world. Believers are called to be salt that preserves and light that illuminates, impacting their surroundings with the flavor of righteousness and the radiance of God’s truth.

What does the text mean? This passage underscores the mission and identity of the Christian community. As salt and light, believers are entrusted with the responsibility to reflect the character of Christ and to actively engage in the renewal and redemption of the world.

How does the text apply to my life? Matthew 5:13-16 challenges believers to embrace their role as agents of change and ambassadors of God’s kingdom. It calls for a lifestyle characterized by moral integrity, compassion, and bold witness, inspiring others to glorify God through their actions and testimony.


The Three Question Method of Bible study offers a systematic framework for engaging with Scripture in a meaningful and transformative way. By asking what the text says, what it means, and how it applies to one’s life, individuals can unlock the depths of God’s Word, allowing its timeless truths to shape their beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. As we embark on this journey of discovery, may we approach the sacred text with humility, reverence, and a sincere desire to encounter the living God who speaks to us through His Word.


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