
What Does Matthew 27:46 Mean?

by Mia

The Bible is a repository of profound teachings and narratives, each verse carrying layers of significance waiting to be unearthed. Among these verses, Matthew 27:46 stands as a poignant moment in the crucifixion narrative, capturing Jesus’ cry on the cross: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46, NIV). This verse has stirred theological debates and philosophical inquiries for centuries, prompting scholars and believers alike to delve into its depths to understand its true meaning.

Contextual Understanding

To comprehend the full weight of Jesus’ words, it is essential to delve into the contextual backdrop of Matthew 27:46. This verse occurs during the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, a pivotal event in Christian theology symbolizing the sacrificial redemption of humanity’s sins. As Jesus hangs on the cross, he utters these words, invoking Psalm 22:1, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” This deliberate reference to the Psalms underscores the interconnectedness of the Old and New Testaments and highlights the fulfillment of prophecy in Jesus’ life and ministry.


Theological Interpretations

Interpreting Matthew 27:46 from a theological standpoint requires grappling with the concept of the Trinity and the nature of Jesus Christ. Central to Christian belief is the doctrine of the Trinity, affirming the unity of God in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In this light, Jesus’ cry on the cross has prompted theological contemplation regarding the nature of his relationship with God the Father.


One interpretation posits that Jesus, in his humanity, experienced the profound weight of sin and separation from God on behalf of humanity. This view emphasizes the genuine human experience of Jesus, who, in his moment of agony, felt the anguish of separation from the divine presence. It underscores the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice and his identification with the plight of humanity, experiencing the consequences of sin in its fullest measure.


Alternatively, some theological perspectives assert that Jesus’ cry reflects the relational aspect of the Trinity, rather than an actual separation from the Father. According to this interpretation, Jesus, as the Son, momentarily experiences the anguish of abandonment to fulfill the redemptive plan of salvation. Despite the apparent forsakenness, the unity within the Godhead remains intact, emphasizing the inseparable bond between the Father and the Son.

Psychological and Emotional Dimensions

Beyond theological debates, Matthew 27:46 invites exploration into the psychological and emotional dimensions of Jesus’ cry. The depth of Jesus’ humanity is laid bare as he confronts the excruciating pain and isolation of the cross. His cry resonates with the universal human experience of suffering and abandonment, offering solace to those who grapple with feelings of forsakenness in their own lives.

Psychologically, Jesus’ cry reflects the profound sense of despair and desolation that accompanies extreme suffering. It portrays vulnerability in the face of overwhelming circumstances, challenging the notion of divine impassibility and inviting empathy from believers who encounter trials and tribulations. Jesus’ cry becomes a testament to the authenticity of human emotion and a source of comfort for those who feel abandoned or forsaken.

Christological Significance

From a Christological perspective, Matthew 27:46 holds profound significance in understanding the nature of Jesus Christ as both fully divine and fully human. The cry of abandonment encapsulates the mystery of the Incarnation, wherein the eternal Son of God enters into the depths of human suffering and mortality. In this pivotal moment, Jesus bridges the gap between heaven and earth, offering reconciliation and redemption to humanity through his selfless sacrifice.

Furthermore, Jesus’ cry on the cross serves as a paradoxical expression of faith amidst apparent forsakenness. Despite the agony of his circumstances, Jesus’ address to God as “My God” reaffirms his unwavering trust and submission to the divine will. His cry becomes a testament to the paradox of faith, wherein belief coexists with doubt, and surrender emerges from the depths of despair.


In the enigmatic words of Matthew 27:46, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” we encounter the essence of the Christian faith—a profound mystery that transcends human comprehension. This verse beckons believers to contemplate the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice, the intimacy of his relationship with the Father, and the universality of human suffering. As we wrestle with its meaning, may we find solace in the assurance that even in the darkest moments of abandonment, God’s presence endures, offering redemption, reconciliation, and hope.


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