
Leviticus 19:32 Meaning, Context & Commentary

Read the Daily Bible VerseLeviticus 19:32 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Leviticus 19:32 is a verse found in the Old Testament that calls for respect, honor, and reverence for the elderly. It is part of a larger section of laws that God gave to the Israelites, instructing them on how to live holy lives and relate to one another. This verse, while addressing a specific cultural context, contains timeless principles that are relevant today, especially as they pertain to the way we treat our elders and those in authority.


In this article, we will examine Leviticus 19:32 in detail, looking at its context, meaning, and practical application for our lives.


The Context of Leviticus 19:32 KJV

Leviticus is a book of laws and regulations that God gave to the Israelites through Moses. These laws were meant to guide the people of Israel in how to live as a holy nation, distinct from the surrounding nations. In Leviticus 19, we find a series of moral and ethical instructions that emphasize the importance of justice, love, and holiness. The chapter is often referred to as the “Holiness Code,” as it outlines how God’s people should live in a way that reflects His holiness.


The verse in question, Leviticus 19:32, is part of a series of laws that address the treatment of others, particularly those who may be vulnerable, marginalized, or deserving of respect. Earlier in the chapter, there are commands to honor one’s parents (verse 3), to be just in business dealings (verse 35), and to love one’s neighbor as oneself (verse 18). The theme of respect and fairness runs throughout the entire chapter.

Leviticus 19:32 specifically addresses how people are to treat the elderly. This instruction is set within a broader context of caring for others, seeking justice, and demonstrating respect for those who have experience and wisdom.

Leviticus 19:32 (KJV)

Leviticus 19:32 in the King James Version reads: “Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honor the face of the old man, and fear thy God: I am the Lord.”

This verse contains two main instructions: to rise up before the elderly (particularly those with gray hair), and to honor them. It concludes with a reminder that this command is linked to the fear of God and is a reflection of His holiness.

Leviticus 19:32 Meaning

To understand the meaning of Leviticus 19:32, we need to explore the significance of its two key elements: rising up before the elderly and honoring them. We also need to understand the connection between these actions and the command to fear God.

1. Rising Up Before the Elderly

The first part of the verse says, “Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head.” The phrase “hoary head” refers to a person with gray or white hair, which was a common symbol of age and wisdom in ancient Israel. Rising up before an elderly person was a sign of respect. In ancient cultures, standing up when an older person entered a room or approached was an important gesture of honor. It signified recognition of their years of experience and wisdom.

This command reflects the value that God places on the elderly. It was not merely a social custom but a recognition that those who are older have lived longer, endured more, and often possess valuable knowledge and experience. The Israelites were to honor the elderly by acknowledging their status through this simple act of standing up.

2. Honoring the Face of the Old Man

The second part of the verse says, “and honor the face of the old man.” To “honor the face” means to show respect and reverence to the elderly person directly. It involves treating them with dignity, showing kindness, and offering them the respect that their age and life experience deserve.

In ancient Israel, the elderly were seen as leaders in the community, and they were often relied upon for wisdom and guidance. Honoring them meant more than just standing up—it involved treating them with the respect they were due and giving them a place of honor in society. This principle is still important today, as our treatment of the elderly reflects our values and character.

3. Fear Thy God: I Am the Lord

The final phrase of the verse, “and fear thy God: I am the Lord,” connects the command to honor the elderly with the fear of God. The command to honor the elderly is not simply a matter of social convention or personal preference; it is a command from God Himself. In this context, honoring the elderly is an act of obedience to God, and it reflects a proper reverence for His authority.

The “fear of God” here refers to a deep respect and reverence for God, acknowledging His sovereignty and His commands. In the Old Testament, the fear of God was closely linked with obedience to His laws. Therefore, by honoring the elderly, the Israelites were demonstrating their fear and reverence for God.

Leviticus 19:32 Application in Life

While Leviticus 19:32 was originally given to the Israelites, its principles are still relevant for us today. Here are a few ways that we can apply the teachings of this verse in our modern lives.

1. Showing Respect to the Elderly

The command to “rise up before the hoary head” and “honor the face of the old man” is a call to show respect to the elderly. In our society, we often see a lack of respect for older generations. However, God calls us to treat the elderly with honor, regardless of their physical or mental capabilities. This can include simple actions such as greeting them with respect, offering assistance when needed, and listening to their wisdom.

As Christians, we are called to value the elderly as a precious part of society. They are often a source of wisdom, experience, and life lessons. Honoring them can also involve taking care of their needs, whether that means offering emotional support, physical assistance, or just spending time with them.

2. Recognizing the Wisdom of Older Generations

One of the key applications of Leviticus 19:32 is recognizing the value of the wisdom that older generations possess. In a world that often prioritizes youth and innovation, it is easy to overlook the experience and knowledge that older individuals have accumulated over the years. However, the Bible teaches that wisdom comes with age, and we should seek out the counsel of those who have lived longer and learned valuable life lessons.

In Proverbs 16:31, it says, “The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness.” This verse affirms that gray hair is a symbol of wisdom and righteousness. By honoring the elderly, we recognize and benefit from the wisdom they offer.

3. Building a Culture of Respect and Honor

Leviticus 19:32 also calls us to build a culture of respect and honor in our communities, churches, and families. When we show honor to the elderly, we are setting an example for younger generations to follow. In the family, this means teaching children to respect their grandparents and other older relatives. In the church, it means recognizing the contributions of elderly members and valuing their role in the community of believers.

As Christians, we are called to model a different kind of society—one where respect for others, especially the elderly, is the norm. In 1 Timothy 5:1-2, Paul instructs younger believers to treat older men and women with honor and respect, as they would their own fathers and mothers. By doing so, we create an environment where love, honor, and mutual respect are upheld.

4. Honoring Elders as an Act of Obedience to God

Finally, Leviticus 19:32 teaches that honoring the elderly is not just a cultural expectation but an act of obedience to God. The command to “fear thy God” reminds us that all our actions, including how we treat the elderly, should reflect our reverence for God. When we honor the elderly, we are not just honoring them as individuals but also honoring God, who commands us to do so.

In Ephesians 6:2-3, Paul reaffirms this principle by instructing children to honor their father and mother. This command comes with a promise: “that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.” Honor, in this sense, is not just a social nicety but a spiritual discipline that leads to blessings.


Leviticus 19:32 may seem like a simple command about showing respect to the elderly, but it carries profound spiritual significance. The verse teaches us that honoring the elderly is not just a matter of social courtesy but a matter of obedience to God. By rising up before the elderly and honoring them, we are acknowledging their value and wisdom, and we are also demonstrating our reverence for God’s commands.

In our modern world, where the elderly are often overlooked or marginalized, Leviticus 19:32 serves as a reminder of the importance of honoring older generations. As Christians, we are called to create a culture of respect and honor for the elderly, recognizing that their wisdom is a precious gift. In doing so, we not only bless them but also honor God, who has commanded us to treat others with dignity and respect.

Let us apply the principles of Leviticus 19:32 in our own lives, striving to be a people who show respect to the elderly, value their wisdom, and honor God through our actions.

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