
What Does Matthew 8:18-22 Mean?

by Mia

Matthew 8:18-22

BSB: When Jesus saw a large crowd around Him, He gave orders to cross to the other side of the sea. And one of the scribes came to Him and said, “Teacher, I will follow You wherever You go.”

Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay His head.”


Another of His disciples requested, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.”


But Jesus told him, “Follow Me, and let the dead bury their own dead.”


Contextual Overview: Setting the Stage

Before delving into the intricacies of Matthew 8:18-22, it is imperative to grasp its contextual backdrop within the broader narrative of the Gospel of Matthew. This particular passage occurs immediately after a series of miraculous events, including Jesus’ healing of various ailments and his demonstration of authority over nature. Such displays of power serve as a testament to Jesus’ divine identity and mission, drawing crowds of curious onlookers and eager followers.

Analyzing Matthew 8:18-22: Dissecting the Dialogue

In Matthew 8:18-22, the narrative unfolds through a sequence of interactions between Jesus and his would-be disciples. Let us dissect this dialogue to uncover its nuanced meanings and implications.

1. Verse 18: The Decision to Depart

The passage commences with Jesus making a decisive move to depart to the other side of the sea. This action symbolizes a pivotal transition in his ministry, prompting his disciples to accompany him on this journey. Here, we witness Jesus taking the lead, inviting his followers to venture into unfamiliar territory—a metaphorical representation of the Christian pilgrimage characterized by faith and obedience.

2. Verse 19: The Scribe’s Pledge

As Jesus prepares to embark on his journey, a scribe approaches him, expressing his intent to become a disciple. The scribe’s eagerness reflects the widespread fascination with Jesus’ teachings and miracles, indicative of a broader cultural milieu characterized by religious fervor and spiritual seeking. However, Jesus responds with a cautionary statement, highlighting the rigorous demands associated with discipleship: “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head” (Matthew 8:20, ESV).

3. Verse 20: The Call to Commitment

In Jesus’ response to the scribe’s declaration of allegiance, he unveils a fundamental truth about the nature of discipleship—it entails sacrifice and detachment from worldly comforts. By juxtaposing the scribe’s desire for discipleship with the stark reality of his own itinerant lifestyle, Jesus underscores the need for unwavering dedication and readiness to forsake earthly attachments in pursuit of spiritual truth. This admonition serves as a litmus test for the sincerity of one’s commitment to follow Christ, challenging disciples to count the cost and embrace the path of self-denial.

4. Verse 21: The Delayed Dedication

Continuing the discourse, another would-be disciple seeks permission to first bury his father before committing to follow Jesus. This seemingly reasonable request elicits a seemingly harsh response from Jesus: “Follow me, and leave the dead to bury their own dead” (Matthew 8:22, ESV). At first glance, this statement appears callous and insensitive, but upon closer examination, it unveils a profound spiritual principle.

5. Verse 22: The Priority of Kingdom Allegiance

Jesus’ response to the disciple’s request elucidates the paramount importance of prioritizing allegiance to the kingdom of God above all else. While honoring one’s familial obligations is commendable, Jesus emphasizes the urgency of embracing the call to discipleship without delay. By urging the disciple to “let the dead bury their own dead,” Jesus underscores the imperatives of spiritual vitality and unwavering commitment to the kingdom’s cause, even in the face of familial obligations or societal expectations.

Interpreting the Essence of Discipleship: Lessons for Contemporary Believers

As we unravel the layers of meaning embedded within Matthew 8:18-22, several overarching themes emerge, offering profound insights into the essence of discipleship and its relevance for modern-day Christians.

1. The Cost of Commitment

At the heart of Jesus’ dialogue with his would-be disciples lies a poignant reminder of the costliness of discipleship. Following Christ demands more than mere lip service or superficial allegiance—it necessitates a radical reorientation of one’s priorities and a willingness to relinquish all that hinders full devotion to him. In a world marked by materialism and self-indulgence, this message serves as a clarion call to count the cost and embrace the sacrificial nature of authentic discipleship.

2. The Primacy of Kingdom Allegiance

Central to Jesus’ teachings on discipleship is the principle of prioritizing allegiance to the kingdom of God above all earthly concerns. While familial ties and societal obligations hold significance, they must always be subordinated to the higher calling of advancing God’s kingdom agenda. This imperative challenges contemporary believers to evaluate their loyalties and ensure that their lives are centered on the pursuit of God’s purposes above personal ambitions or societal expectations.

3. The Urgency of Response

The urgency with which Jesus calls his would-be disciples to follow him underscores the temporal urgency of the gospel message. Discipleship is not a procrastinated decision to be made at one’s convenience but a present reality demanding immediate response. In a culture characterized by procrastination and apathy towards matters of faith, this admonition serves as a wake-up call for believers to seize the moment and wholeheartedly embrace the call to follow Christ without delay.


In conclusion, Matthew 8:18-22 stands as a timeless testament to the demands and rewards of discipleship in the Christian journey. Through its poignant dialogue and profound teachings, this passage beckons believers to embrace the radical call of Christ with unwavering commitment and sacrificial devotion. As contemporary disciples navigate the complexities of life in a rapidly changing world, may they heed the timeless truths encapsulated within these verses, counting the cost, prioritizing kingdom allegiance, and responding with urgency to the call of their Master.


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