
Genesis 24:67 Meaning, Context & Commentary

Read the Daily Bible VerseGenesis 24:67 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Genesis 24:67 is a pivotal verse within the narrative of Isaac and Rebekah, highlighting themes of love, family, and the divine orchestration of relationships. This article delves deeply into the context of the verse, its meaning, applications in life, comparisons with other biblical texts, and its modern-day relevance.


The Context of Genesis 24:67 KJV

To fully appreciate Genesis 24:67, it is essential to consider the events that precede it. The chapter tells the story of how Abraham’s servant was tasked with finding a suitable wife for Isaac, Abraham’s son, from his own relatives rather than the Canaanites.


Abraham’s Request

As Abraham ages, he becomes increasingly concerned about his son Isaac’s future. Abraham desires a wife for Isaac who shares their faith and values. Thus, he sends his servant to his homeland to find a woman from his own family. This journey is filled with divine intervention, prayer, and the fulfillment of a sign that the servant had asked from God.


The Meeting with Rebekah

Upon arriving at the city of Nahor, the servant prays for God’s guidance and asks for a sign regarding the woman who would be suitable for Isaac. Rebekah appears and fulfills the sign by offering water to the servant and his camels. The servant praises God and learns that Rebekah is from Abraham’s family.

Family Approval

After the servant explains his mission, Rebekah’s family agrees to the union, and she willingly decides to go with the servant to marry Isaac. This shows her faith and willingness to embrace God’s plan for her life.

Genesis 24:67: The Verse in Context

Genesis 24:67 reads:

“And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah’s tent, and took Rebekah, and she became his wife; and he loved her: and Isaac was comforted after his mother’s death.” (KJV)

This verse concludes the narrative of Isaac and Rebekah’s union and serves as a significant moment of transition for Isaac, who has recently experienced the loss of his mother, Sarah.

The Genesis 24:67 Meaning

Genesis 24:67 is rich in meaning, encapsulating themes of love, comfort, and divine provision.

The Significance of Marriage

The phrase “and took Rebekah, and she became his wife” indicates the establishment of a marital covenant. In biblical times, marriage was not merely a social contract but a sacred union ordained by God. It emphasizes the importance of family and lineage, particularly in the context of the promises God made to Abraham regarding his descendants.

The Element of Love

The statement “and he loved her” highlights the emotional and relational aspect of their union. Love in this context is not merely a romantic feeling; it reflects a deep commitment and affection. It suggests that their relationship was founded on mutual respect and shared values, an essential component of a healthy marriage.

Comfort in Mourning

The latter part of the verse, “and Isaac was comforted after his mother’s death,” indicates that Rebekah’s presence provided solace to Isaac during a period of grief. This speaks to the idea that companionship, particularly within marriage, can bring healing and support during difficult times.

See Also: What Does Genesis 24:66 Mean?

Genesis 24:67 Application in Life

The principles derived from Genesis 24:67 can be applied to various aspects of life, especially in the context of relationships, marriage, and dealing with loss.

The Importance of Godly Relationships

This verse underscores the significance of choosing a life partner who shares similar values and beliefs. For individuals seeking a spouse, it is vital to consider compatibility in faith, morals, and life goals.

Love as a Foundation for Marriage

The declaration of love between Isaac and Rebekah emphasizes that love is a fundamental element of a successful marriage. Couples are encouraged to cultivate love and affection for one another, ensuring that their relationship remains vibrant and supportive.

Healing Through Companionship

Isaac’s comfort following his mother’s death illustrates the power of companionship in the healing process. For those experiencing loss, it is important to seek out relationships that provide support and encouragement. This can come from spouses, family, or friends who can help one navigate the journey of grief.

Comparison with Other Biblical Texts

Genesis 24:67 can be compared with various biblical texts that explore themes of love, marriage, and comfort.

Marriage as a Sacred Institution

Ephesians 5:31-32 echoes the sanctity of marriage: “For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.” This comparison highlights the biblical foundation of marriage as a covenant that reflects the relationship between Christ and His church.

The Nature of Love

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 describes the nature of love, stating, “Love is patient, love is kind; it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.” These characteristics of love serve as a guide for couples to emulate in their relationships, similar to the love Isaac had for Rebekah.

Comfort in Loss

In 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, the Apostle Paul writes about God as the “Father of mercies and the God of all comfort.” This passage underscores the theme of comfort found in relationships and the divine provision for healing during times of loss. It reaffirms the notion that companionship can bring solace amid grief, much like Rebekah’s role in Isaac’s life.

Modern-Day Relevance

Genesis 24:67 continues to resonate in contemporary society, particularly in discussions about marriage, relationships, and coping with loss.

Choosing a Life Partner

In an era where relationships can be casual or superficial, the verse reminds individuals of the importance of intentionality in choosing a life partner. It encourages seeking a spouse who aligns with one’s values and faith, fostering a deep and meaningful relationship.

The Role of Love in Relationships

The emphasis on love in Genesis 24:67 serves as a reminder for couples today to prioritize love and emotional connection. In a fast-paced world, it’s crucial to invest time and effort into nurturing relationships to ensure they remain strong and resilient.

Support in Times of Grief

The comfort Isaac found in Rebekah after losing his mother highlights the importance of support systems during challenging times. In modern life, this can involve seeking support from family, friends, or even professional counselors. It emphasizes the value of community and companionship in the healing process.


Genesis 24:67 encapsulates a pivotal moment in the biblical narrative, emphasizing the significance of love, marriage, and comfort in the face of loss. The verse highlights the importance of choosing a life partner who shares similar values, and it underscores the role of love as a foundation for relationships.

The principles drawn from this verse can guide individuals in their personal lives, encouraging them to seek God’s guidance in relationships, cultivate love, and rely on companionship during times of grief. Ultimately, Genesis 24:67 serves as a timeless reminder of the profound impact of love and divine provision in our lives.

Genesis 24:67 Commentary

Commentaries on Genesis 24:67 often emphasize the multifaceted meanings embedded within the text. Scholars note that the verse serves not only as a conclusion to the narrative of Isaac and Rebekah but also as a theological reflection on God’s faithfulness and guidance in the lives of His people.

The phrase “and he loved her” suggests that love can grow and develop within the context of commitment and shared purpose. It challenges contemporary notions of love as merely an emotional response, inviting readers to consider love as a deliberate choice that requires effort, understanding, and nurturing.

Furthermore, Isaac’s comfort underscores the biblical understanding of marriage as a partnership meant to support individuals through life’s challenges. This commentary emphasizes the role of companionship in fostering emotional well-being, illustrating that marriage is not only about romantic love but also about mutual support and care.

In conclusion, Genesis 24:67 is a profound statement about love, marriage, and divine provision, rich with insights that remain applicable to our lives today. By embracing the lessons found in this verse, individuals can cultivate relationships that honor God and provide lasting support through life’s journey.

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