
Genesis 25:21 Meaning, Context & Commentary

Read the Daily Bible Verse Genesis 25:21 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Genesis 25:21 reads, “And Isaac entreated the Lord for his wife, because she was barren: and the Lord was entreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived.” This verse marks a significant moment in the lives of Isaac and Rebekah, showcasing not only Isaac’s faith but also God’s responsiveness to prayer. The narrative is set against the backdrop of the broader Genesis account, which details the lineage of the Israelites and the unfolding covenant promises. In this verse, we witness the deep personal struggle of a patriarch, his desire for offspring, and the divine intervention that follows.


The Context on Genesis 25:21 KJV

To fully grasp the meaning of Genesis 25:21, it is crucial to examine the context in which it appears. The chapter itself addresses several key themes: the continuation of Abraham’s lineage, the transition of leadership from Abraham to Isaac, and the covenant promises that God made to Abraham.


The Background of Isaac

Isaac, the son of Abraham and Sarah, represents the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham that he would have a son through whom nations would be blessed (Genesis 17:16-19). Isaac’s life is characterized by moments of faith and obedience, reflecting his heritage. Following Abraham’s death, Isaac settled near Beer-lahai-roi and married Rebekah, the daughter of Bethuel, and sister of Laban (Genesis 24:67).


Rebekah’s Barrenness

The verse highlights a significant challenge faced by Isaac and Rebekah: her barrenness. In the ancient Near Eastern context, fertility was often viewed as a blessing from God, while barrenness was seen as a curse. This cultural understanding amplified the personal pain of Rebekah and the societal pressure on couples to bear children. The narrative indicates that this issue deeply affected Isaac, leading him to pray earnestly to the Lord.

God’s Covenant Promise

In the context of God’s covenant with Abraham, the inability of Isaac and Rebekah to conceive raises questions about the future of the Abrahamic lineage. Would God’s promises to Abraham be fulfilled? This uncertainty adds a layer of tension to the narrative, emphasizing the need for divine intervention. Isaac’s intercession on behalf of his wife reflects his reliance on God to fulfill the promise of descendants, which is central to the covenant.

The Genesis 25:21 Meaning

Genesis 25:21 encapsulates several profound themes that resonate throughout the biblical narrative.

Intercessory Prayer

The act of Isaac praying for his wife illustrates the biblical principle of intercessory prayer. Isaac’s role as a mediator highlights the importance of prayer in seeking God’s intervention in difficult situations. It signifies a trust in God’s ability to change circumstances and fulfill His promises.

Divine Response

The phrase “and the Lord was entreated of him” underscores the responsiveness of God to prayer. This divine engagement emphasizes that God is not distant; rather, He is intimately involved in the lives of His people. The subsequent conception of Rebekah is not just a miracle but a testament to God’s faithfulness to His promises.

The Gift of Life

Rebekah’s conception serves as a reminder of the sanctity and value of life. The blessing of children is celebrated throughout Scripture, and this moment represents the continuation of God’s covenant promise through Isaac and Rebekah. Their offspring would play a crucial role in the unfolding of God’s redemptive plan for humanity.

Genesis 25:21 Application in Life

The implications of Genesis 25:21 are vast, offering lessons for contemporary believers.

Trusting in God’s Timing

Isaac and Rebekah’s struggle with barrenness can resonate with many today who are waiting on God for answers to prayers, particularly regarding family and relationships. The story encourages patience and trust in God’s perfect timing. Just as God responded to Isaac’s prayers, believers are reminded that God hears their cries and will respond in His timing.

The Importance of Prayer

Isaac’s example highlights the vital role of prayer in the life of a believer. Prayer is not merely a ritual but a means of engaging with God and inviting His presence into our struggles. This verse encourages individuals to intercede for others and rely on God’s power to effect change in their lives and situations.

Community Support

In times of distress, the support of a spouse, family, or community can be invaluable. Isaac’s intercession for Rebekah indicates the strength of their partnership. For couples facing difficulties, it serves as a reminder to pray for one another and support each other in their challenges.

See Also: What Does Genesis 25:20 Mean?

Comparison with Other Biblical Texts

The themes found in Genesis 25:21 can be paralleled with several other biblical passages that discuss barrenness, prayer, and divine intervention.

Hannah’s Prayer (1 Samuel 1:9-20)

The story of Hannah is a notable parallel to Rebekah’s experience. Like Rebekah, Hannah faced the societal stigma of barrenness. She fervently prayed for a child and vowed to dedicate him to the Lord. God’s eventual response resulted in the birth of Samuel, a key figure in Israel’s history. This narrative reinforces the idea that earnest prayer can lead to divine intervention.

Sarah’s Laughter (Genesis 18:9-15)

Abraham’s wife, Sarah, also experienced barrenness and initially laughed at the promise of bearing a child in her old age. Yet, God’s faithfulness prevailed, and Isaac was born. The contrast between Sarah’s initial disbelief and Rebekah’s faithful intercession highlights different responses to God’s promises and the importance of faith.

Elizabeth and Zechariah (Luke 1:5-25)

In the New Testament, the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth further illustrates the theme of barrenness and prayer. Despite their old age, they remained faithful and prayed for a child. God’s response was the miraculous birth of John the Baptist, emphasizing that God’s plans often unfold in surprising ways.

Modern-Day Relevance

The themes presented in Genesis 25:21 maintain profound relevance in today’s world.

Facing Infertility

Many couples today face struggles with infertility, mirroring Isaac and Rebekah’s plight. This verse provides hope and encouragement, reminding believers that they are not alone in their journey. The message encourages seeking support through prayer and community, reinforcing that God is aware of their struggles and capable of miraculous works.

The Power of Intercession

In a world rife with challenges, the power of intercessory prayer cannot be overstated. Just as Isaac prayed for Rebekah, believers today are called to pray for one another. This act of love and support can bring comfort and healing, as well as open doors for God’s intervention in various life situations.

Trust in God’s Sovereignty

The narrative reminds believers to trust in God’s sovereignty, especially when circumstances seem bleak. Faithful prayer, even in times of uncertainty, can yield incredible results, reaffirming the belief that God works all things together for good (Romans 8:28).


Genesis 25:21 serves as a powerful testament to the faithfulness of God, the importance of prayer, and the hope that comes from trusting in His promises. The story of Isaac and Rebekah is not just a historical account; it is a timeless narrative that speaks to the heart of human experience—longing, waiting, and the desire for divine intervention. Through prayer, believers can access the power of God to effect change in their lives and the lives of others, affirming that He hears and responds to our cries.

In the context of modern-day challenges, this verse remains a source of encouragement, urging individuals to remain steadfast in prayer and to trust in God’s perfect timing. As believers navigate their own journeys, they can find solace in the story of Isaac and Rebekah, knowing that they, too, are part of a larger narrative woven by a faithful and responsive God.

Genesis 25:21 Commentary

In summary, Genesis 25:21 is a pivotal verse that encapsulates themes of faith, prayer, and divine intervention. The narrative emphasizes the importance of seeking God in times of need, showcasing His readiness to respond to the heartfelt prayers of His people. By examining the context, meaning, and applications of this verse, believers can gain a deeper understanding of God’s character and the vital role of prayer in their lives. As we reflect on this scripture, let us remember the significance of trusting in God’s promises and the transformative power of intercession.


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