
What Special Gift That Joseph Have?

by Mia

Joseph, a prominent figure in the Old Testament, is renowned for his exceptional gifts and the remarkable journey he undertook from being sold into slavery to becoming a powerful leader in Egypt. His story, found in the Book of Genesis, showcases not just his trials but also the unique gifts that set him apart. This article explores the special gifts that Joseph possessed, their significance, and their impact on his life and the lives of others.


Joseph, the son of Jacob and Rachel, is one of the most intriguing characters in the Bible. His life is a testament to resilience, faith, and the utilization of God-given gifts. From his early days as a favored son to his rise as a ruler in Egypt, Joseph’s journey is marked by both divine intervention and personal attributes that shaped his destiny. This article delves into the special gifts that Joseph had, how he used them, and the lessons we can learn from his story.


Joseph’s Gift of Dream Interpretation

The Nature of Joseph’s Gift

One of Joseph’s most significant gifts was his ability to interpret dreams. This gift first became evident when he shared his dreams with his family, dreams that symbolized his future rise to prominence and his family’s eventual bowing down to him. Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams accurately was not just a personal talent but a divine endowment.


Significance of the Gift

Dream interpretation was a crucial skill in ancient Egypt, where dreams were often considered messages from the gods. Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams not only distinguished him but also provided him with the opportunity to influence significant events. This gift was instrumental in his rise to power and his ability to save many lives during a time of famine.


Biblical Examples

Joseph’s dream interpretations are evident in two significant instances:

Pharaoh’s Dreams: Pharaoh had two troubling dreams that none of his magicians could interpret. Joseph, through divine revelation, explained that the dreams predicted seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine. His interpretation led to the implementation of a plan that saved Egypt and neighboring nations from starvation.

The Cupbearer and Baker: While in prison, Joseph interpreted the dreams of Pharaoh’s cupbearer and baker. His accurate interpretations led to the cupbearer’s restoration to his position and the baker’s execution, further demonstrating the accuracy and divine source of Joseph’s gift.

Joseph’s Gift of Leadership and Administration

The Nature of Joseph’s Gift

Joseph’s leadership and administrative abilities were apparent throughout his life. Whether he was managing Potiphar’s household, overseeing prison operations, or administering Egypt’s resources, Joseph’s skills were evident. His ability to lead effectively and manage resources played a crucial role in his success and the success of those he served.

Significance of the Gift

Joseph’s leadership was not merely about holding a position of power but about exercising wisdom, integrity, and strategic thinking. His management of Egypt’s resources during the years of plenty and famine ensured that the country, as well as neighboring nations, were well-prepared and provided for. This foresight and organizational skill highlight Joseph’s exceptional capabilities in leadership and administration.

Biblical Examples

Management of Potiphar’s House: Joseph was placed in charge of all of Potiphar’s affairs. His management skills were so effective that Potiphar had no concerns except the food he ate.

Oversight of Egypt’s Famine Preparation: As Pharaoh’s second-in-command, Joseph devised a plan to store surplus grain during the years of plenty. This plan was executed with precision, saving Egypt from severe famine and establishing Joseph as a trusted leader.

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Joseph’s Gift of Forgiveness and Reconciliation

The Nature of Joseph’s Gift

Joseph’s ability to forgive and reconcile was one of his most profound gifts. Despite being betrayed by his brothers, sold into slavery, and unjustly imprisoned, Joseph ultimately chose to forgive his brothers and reconcile with them. This gift of forgiveness is a powerful testament to his character and faith.

Significance of the Gift

Forgiveness is a central theme in Christian teachings, reflecting God’s grace and mercy. Joseph’s act of forgiveness toward his brothers, who had wronged him deeply, is a significant aspect of his story. It not only healed familial relationships but also demonstrated a higher understanding of God’s plan and purpose.

Biblical Examples

Forgiveness of His Brothers: When Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt seeking food during the famine, Joseph recognized them but chose to test their character before revealing his identity. Once he did, he forgave them for their past actions and reassured them of God’s greater plan. His forgiveness and reconciliation with his brothers restored their relationship and fulfilled God’s promise to Joseph.

Joseph’s Gift of Faith and Resilience

The Nature of Joseph’s Gift

Joseph’s faith and resilience in the face of adversity were instrumental in his life. Despite numerous hardships, including betrayal, false accusations, and imprisonment, Joseph maintained his faith in God. His resilience enabled him to overcome challenges and rise to a position of power and influence.

Significance of the Gift

Faith and resilience are essential qualities for navigating life’s trials. Joseph’s story demonstrates how unwavering faith and perseverance can lead to ultimate success and fulfillment of divine promises. His ability to maintain faith amidst trials serves as a powerful example for believers facing their own struggles.

Biblical Examples

Imprisonment: Even while imprisoned, Joseph did not lose hope or faith. He continued to serve diligently and used his gifts to help others, such as interpreting the dreams of Pharaoh’s servants. His faithfulness in small things led to greater opportunities.

Rise to Power: Joseph’s journey from slavery to becoming Pharaoh’s second-in-command underscores his resilience and faith in God’s plan. Despite his hardships, Joseph’s trust in God led to a position where he could effect significant positive change.


Joseph’s story is a compelling narrative of how special gifts, when used in alignment with God’s purpose, can transform lives and impact the world. His gifts of dream interpretation, leadership, forgiveness, and faith are not just historical anecdotes but lessons for us today. They teach us about the power of divine gifts and the importance of using them for the greater good.

Through Joseph’s life, we see that gifts are not merely personal talents but tools given by God to fulfill His purposes. Whether it is interpreting dreams, leading effectively, forgiving others, or maintaining faith through trials, Joseph’s example provides a blueprint for utilizing our gifts in ways that honor God and serve others. As we reflect on Joseph’s story, may we be inspired to recognize and use our own gifts with the same faith and commitment, trusting that God’s plan for us is as purposeful and transformative as it was for Joseph.


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