
Genesis 20:17 Meaning, Context & Commentary

Read the Daily Bible Verse Genesis 20:17 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Genesis 20:17 is a pivotal verse within the narrative of Genesis that follows the story of Abraham and Abimelech. This verse reads:


“So Abraham prayed unto God: and God healed Abimelech, and his wife, and his maidservants; and they bare children.” (Genesis 20:17, KJV)


This passage comes after a significant episode where Abraham, due to fear for his life, misrepresents Sarah as his sister rather than his wife. As a result, King Abimelech of Gerar takes Sarah into his household, which leads to divine intervention. The verse highlights the resolution of this incident and its implications for understanding God’s dealings with His people and their interactions with foreign nations.


The Context on Genesis 20:17 KJV

To fully grasp the meaning of Genesis 20:17, it is essential to consider the broader context of Genesis 20. This chapter recounts an episode similar to an earlier story in Genesis 12, where Abraham, fearing for his life due to Sarah’s beauty, claims that Sarah is his sister rather than his wife. This deception leads Abimelech, the king of Gerar, to take Sarah into his palace. However, God intervenes and reveals to Abimelech in a dream that Sarah is actually Abraham’s wife.

The dream prompts Abimelech to confront Abraham about the deception. Abraham explains his fear and justification for his actions. God then instructs Abimelech to return Sarah to Abraham, and He promises to heal Abimelech and his household, who had been afflicted because of the taken Sarah.

Genesis 20:17 occurs in the aftermath of this incident, reflecting the restoration and divine blessing that follows Abraham’s intercession. This context underscores themes of divine justice, mercy, and the significance of Abraham’s role as a prophet.

The Genesis 20:17 Meaning

Genesis 20:17 illustrates several key theological and moral points:

Divine Healing and Restoration: The verse emphasizes that God healed Abimelech and his household from an affliction that had come upon them due to Sarah being taken. This affliction, which was likely a form of divine punishment, is removed following Abraham’s intercession. The healing serves as a testament to God’s power to restore and bless even after human error or divine correction.

Abraham’s Role as a Prophet: The fact that Abraham prays for Abimelech and his household highlights Abraham’s role as a prophet. This intercessory act underscores the significance of Abraham’s relationship with God and his function in mediating blessings and interceding on behalf of others.

God’s Sovereignty Over Nations: The restoration of Abimelech’s household illustrates God’s sovereign control over nations and rulers. Despite the political and social dynamics at play, God’s will and purpose prevail, demonstrating His ultimate authority over all.

Fulfillment of Divine Promises: The verse also connects to the broader narrative of Genesis, where God’s promises to Abraham include blessings not only for him but also through him to others. The healing and restoration of Abimelech and his household can be seen as an extension of God’s promises and blessings.

Genesis 20:17 Application in Life

Genesis 20:17 offers several applications for contemporary Christian life:

Importance of Intercessory Prayer: Abraham’s intercession for Abimelech and his household underscores the power and importance of praying for others. Christians are encouraged to pray for those who may be in distress or need, reflecting the compassion and mercy of God.

Understanding Divine Justice and Mercy: The healing of Abimelech and his household after the divine correction highlights that God’s justice is always paired with mercy. This dual aspect of God’s character encourages believers to trust in God’s fairness and compassion even when facing challenges or discipline.

Role of the Righteous in Society: Abraham’s role as a mediator serves as a model for how the righteous can influence and bless the world around them. Christians are called to be agents of positive change and blessing in their communities, reflecting the transformative power of God through their actions and prayers.

Trust in God’s Sovereignty: The restoration of Abimelech’s household serves as a reminder of God’s sovereign control over all situations. Believers are encouraged to trust in God’s plans and purposes, even when circumstances seem challenging or uncertain.

See Also: What Does Genesis 20:16 Mean?

Comparison with Other Biblical Texts

Genesis 20:17 can be compared with several other biblical texts that illustrate themes of divine intervention, healing, and intercession:

Exodus 32:11-14: In this passage, Moses intercedes for the Israelites after they have sinned by worshipping the golden calf. God’s response to Moses’ intercession is similar to the healing and restoration seen in Genesis 20:17, showing the power of righteous intercession in altering divine judgment.

Job 42:10: After Job’s trials and the dialogues with his friends, God restores Job’s fortunes and blesses him more than before. This restoration is linked to Job’s prayers for his friends, paralleling the theme of divine healing and blessing following intercession found in Genesis 20:17.

James 5:16: The New Testament emphasizes the power of prayer in healing: “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” This verse reflects the principle seen in Genesis 20:17, where Abraham’s prayer leads to the healing of Abimelech’s household.

2 Kings 20:1-7: The story of King Hezekiah, who prays for healing when faced with a terminal illness, demonstrates how prayer can lead to divine intervention and restoration, mirroring the healing described in Genesis 20:17.

Modern-Day Relevance

Genesis 20:17 holds several lessons for contemporary readers:

Encouragement for Intercessory Prayer: In a world where intercessory prayer can seem undervalued, this verse serves as a powerful reminder of its importance and efficacy. Christians are encouraged to pray not only for their own needs but also for those around them, trusting in God’s power to effect change.

Affirmation of God’s Justice and Mercy: The balance of divine justice and mercy highlighted in this verse reassures believers of God’s fair and compassionate nature. In times of personal or communal crisis, this understanding helps maintain faith in God’s overarching plan and goodness.

Model for Righteous Influence: The story of Abraham’s interaction with Abimelech illustrates how individuals can positively impact others through righteous behavior and prayer. This can inspire modern Christians to act justly and seek ways to bless and influence their communities positively.

Trust in Divine Sovereignty: As global events and personal struggles unfold, Genesis 20:17 reminds believers of the sovereign control of God over all situations. This trust is crucial for navigating life’s uncertainties and challenges with faith and hope.


Genesis 20:17 encapsulates a profound moment in the Abrahamic narrative, showcasing the themes of divine healing, the efficacy of intercessory prayer, and the broader implications of God’s sovereignty and justice. Abraham’s role as a prophet who prays for Abimelech’s healing highlights the power of righteous intervention and serves as a model for believers today. The passage’s relevance extends to modern contexts, offering encouragement in the power of prayer, understanding of God’s justice and mercy, and trust in divine sovereignty.

In examining Genesis 20:17, we see a compelling illustration of how God interacts with humanity, mediates blessings, and fulfills His promises. This verse invites believers to embrace these principles in their lives, fostering a deeper understanding of God’s work in the world and encouraging active participation in His purposes through prayer and righteous living.

Genesis 20:17 Commentary

The commentary on Genesis 20:17 reveals layers of theological and practical insights:

Divine Healing: The healing of Abimelech and his household underscores the belief in God’s power to restore and bless. This restoration, following the divine affliction, highlights the relational aspect of God’s dealings with humanity—His corrections are ultimately aimed at bringing about healing and restoration.

Role of the Prophet: Abraham’s role as a prophet is emphasized by his ability to intercede effectively. This role is crucial in understanding the prophetic function in biblical times and its impact on divine actions.

God’s Sovereignty and Authority: The passage reflects the overarching theme of God’s sovereignty over nations and rulers. The resolution of the situation in Gerar reinforces the belief that God’s will prevails regardless of human actions or political dynamics.

Moral Lessons: The moral lessons drawn from this verse include the importance of honesty, the power of prayer, and the need for righteousness. These lessons are integral to understanding the broader narrative of Abraham’s life and his interactions with God and others.

In summary, Genesis 20:17 offers rich insights into the nature of divine healing, the role of intercessory prayer, and the broader implications of God’s sovereign rule. The verse serves as a reminder of the divine attributes that shape our understanding of God’s relationship with humanity and His workings in the world.


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