
What Does Genesis 19:35 Mean?

Read the Daily Bible VerseGenesis 19:35 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Genesis 19:35 is a verse within a larger narrative that has sparked theological and moral discussions throughout history. It is part of the account of Lot, a prominent figure in the Old Testament, and involves an unsettling episode of drunkenness and incest. This verse, although brief, raises significant questions about human behavior, morality, and the consequences of actions under extreme circumstances. In this article, we will explore Genesis 19:35 in detail, delving into its context, meaning, application in life, comparisons with other biblical texts, and its relevance to modern-day readers.


The Context of Genesis 19:35 KJV

Genesis 19:35 (KJV) states: “And they made their father drink wine that night also: and the younger arose, and lay with him; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose.”


To fully understand Genesis 19:35, it is essential to first examine the broader context in which this verse appears. The chapter of Genesis 19 recounts the dramatic destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, two cities infamous for their wickedness. Lot, a nephew of Abraham, had been living in Sodom with his family. Before the cities were destroyed by divine judgment, Lot was warned by two angels to flee with his wife and daughters. While Lot and his daughters managed to escape, his wife disobeyed God’s command by looking back and was turned into a pillar of salt. The survivors took refuge in a mountain cave, isolated and desolate.


In this state of isolation, Lot’s two daughters became concerned about the future of their family line. They feared that, without husbands, they would have no offspring and their family would die out. The two daughters devised a plan to get their father drunk and then lie with him in order to conceive children. Genesis 19:35 specifically describes the second night when the younger daughter carried out this plan, following the actions of her older sister the previous night.

The Genesis 19:35 Meaning

Genesis 19:35 is a continuation of the troubling actions initiated by Lot’s daughters, driven by fear and desperation. Several key elements can be drawn from this verse to deepen our understanding of its meaning:

Drunkenness and Lack of Awareness: The verse makes it clear that Lot was completely unaware of the actions of his younger daughter, just as he had been the night before with his older daughter. This underscores the role of intoxication in rendering Lot oblivious to the immoral act. The repeated mention of his lack of awareness highlights the consequences of drunkenness and how it impairs moral judgment and discernment.

Desperation and Moral Dilemma: The daughters’ actions reflect a deep sense of fear and hopelessness. They believed that without a male figure in their lives, they would have no future and their family would end. However, their decision to manipulate their father into committing incest reveals a significant moral dilemma. The daughters’ choices raise questions about the extent to which desperation can justify unethical behavior.

Human Sinfulness and Frailty: This passage vividly portrays human sinfulness and the frailty of moral judgment in times of crisis. Even figures like Lot, who is considered righteous in other parts of the Bible, are not immune to moral failings. The verse does not justify the actions of Lot’s daughters but rather presents them as examples of how far people can fall when acting out of fear or misguided intentions.

See Also: Genesis 19:34 Meaning, Context & Commentary

Genesis 19:35 Application in Life

While Genesis 19:35 describes an ancient event with its specific cultural and historical context, the verse offers valuable lessons that can be applied to life today.

The Consequences of Drunkenness: The story of Lot’s drunkenness reminds us of the dangers of losing control over one’s actions due to intoxication. Alcohol and other substances that impair judgment can lead individuals to act in ways that they may regret or not even remember. This serves as a cautionary tale for people to exercise moderation and avoid behaviors that could compromise their integrity or lead to harmful decisions.

Desperation and Ethical Boundaries: Lot’s daughters acted out of desperation, believing they had no other option to preserve their family line. However, their actions demonstrate that even in dire situations, ethical boundaries should not be crossed. Genesis 19:35 challenges readers to consider how they might respond when faced with extreme circumstances and emphasizes the importance of adhering to moral principles, even when the stakes are high.

The Complexity of Human Choices: This verse illustrates the complexity of human decision-making, especially in situations of fear, loneliness, or isolation. It calls for reflection on how we approach difficult choices in our own lives and encourages us to seek guidance from God and maintain a clear moral compass, even when facing uncertain futures.

Comparison with Other Biblical Texts

Genesis 19:35 can be compared with other biblical passages that address themes of drunkenness, sexual immorality, and human frailty:

The Story of Noah (Genesis 9:20-23): Like Lot, Noah also becomes drunk after the flood and is found in a compromising situation by his sons. In this instance, Noah’s son Ham sees his father’s nakedness and responds inappropriately, leading to a curse. Both stories highlight the vulnerability that comes with drunkenness and the resulting moral consequences.

Levitical Laws on Incest (Leviticus 18:6-18): The book of Leviticus explicitly condemns incestuous relationships, establishing clear boundaries for sexual morality within the family. Genesis 19:35 stands in stark contrast to these laws, as the actions of Lot’s daughters violate the divine ordinances regarding sexual conduct.

The Wisdom of Proverbs on Drunkenness (Proverbs 23:29-35): The book of Proverbs offers warnings against the dangers of excessive drinking and its potential to lead to poor decisions and ruin. These verses reflect the consequences seen in Genesis 19:35, where Lot’s drunkenness results in his unawareness of immoral acts.

Modern-Day Relevance

Though Genesis 19:35 describes events that took place thousands of years ago, its themes remain relevant to contemporary life.

Addiction and Self-Control: The issue of drunkenness in Genesis 19:35 draws attention to the modern struggle with addiction and substance abuse. The Bible’s warnings about the dangers of intoxication are as pertinent today as they were in ancient times, emphasizing the importance of self-control and the need for sobriety in maintaining moral clarity.

Moral Integrity in Crisis: The daughters’ actions in Genesis 19:35 reflect the temptation to compromise moral integrity in the face of perceived hopelessness. In modern life, people may encounter similar situations where they are tempted to justify unethical behavior because of fear or desperation. The story serves as a reminder that moral principles should not be sacrificed, even when the circumstances are challenging.

Family Dynamics and Ethical Choices: The complex dynamics within Lot’s family resonate with the challenges families face today. Whether it’s dealing with conflict, crisis, or survival, the importance of maintaining ethical standards and open communication within families is underscored by this story.


Genesis 19:35 presents a sobering account of human frailty, moral compromise, and the consequences of poor decisions made under the influence of alcohol and desperation. While the story itself may seem distant in time and culture, its themes continue to resonate with readers today. The verse invites us to reflect on our own lives, consider the impact of our choices, and seek to maintain moral integrity even in times of crisis.

Ultimately, Genesis 19:35 offers a powerful reminder of the importance of ethical boundaries, the dangers of substance abuse, and the complexity of human decision-making in difficult circumstances. It calls for vigilance, moral clarity, and reliance on God’s guidance in navigating life’s challenges.

Genesis 19:35 Commentary

Commentaries on Genesis 19:35 often focus on the theological and moral implications of the verse. Many scholars emphasize the disturbing nature of the daughters’ actions, while others highlight Lot’s passive role in the event due to his intoxication. Some commentaries explore the broader narrative of judgment in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, viewing the actions of Lot’s daughters as part of a larger commentary on human depravity following divine judgment.

Others point to the grace of God in preserving Lot’s family despite their moral failings, interpreting the story as a reminder that even in the midst of sin, God’s plan for redemption continues. Ultimately, Genesis 19:35 invites deep reflection on human nature, the consequences of poor choices, and the need for God’s mercy and guidance in our lives.


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