
What Does the Bible Say About Deuteronomy 31:6?

by Amanda Wilson

Deuteronomy 31:6 is a powerful verse. It is part of Moses‘ farewell speech. This verse encourages strength and courage. It is a promise of God’s presence. Let’s explore its meaning, context, and application.

The Context of Deuteronomy 31:6

The book of Deuteronomy is the fifth book of the Bible. It is part of the Torah or Pentateuch. Moses is the author of Deuteronomy. The book is a collection of speeches by Moses. These speeches were given before the Israelites entered the Promised Land.


In Deuteronomy 31, Moses is nearing the end of his life. He is 120 years old. He knows he will not enter the Promised Land. Joshua is appointed as his successor. Moses prepares the Israelites for his departure. He reminds them of God’s promises. He encourages them to remain faithful.


Verse 6 is part of this farewell speech. Moses speaks to all Israel. He gives them a charge. He calls them to be strong and courageous. He assures them of God’s unchanging presence.


The Text of Deuteronomy 31:6

The verse reads:

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” (NIV)

Let’s break down this verse:

  • Be strong and courageous: Moses calls the Israelites to inner strength. He urges them to have courage.
  • Do not be afraid or terrified because of them: Moses warns against fear. “Them” refers to the nations in the Promised Land. These nations are strong and numerous. But Moses tells the Israelites not to fear.
  • For the Lord your God goes with you: God is with them. His presence is their assurance.
  • He will never leave you nor forsake you: God’s promise is eternal. He will not abandon His people.

The Importance of Strength and Courage

Moses’ call for strength and courage is crucial. The Israelites are on the brink of a great challenge. They are about to enter the Promised Land. This land is filled with strong nations. The task ahead seems impossible.

But Moses emphasizes strength and courage. These qualities are not based on human power. They are rooted in God’s presence. The Israelites’ strength comes from their faith in God.

See Also: How Many Times Does Courage Appear in the Bible?

Overcoming Fear

Fear is a natural human emotion. The Israelites faced many reasons for fear. They were a relatively small nation. Their enemies were numerous and powerful. The future was uncertain.

Moses addresses this fear directly. He tells the Israelites not to be afraid. This command is repeated throughout the Bible. God often tells His people not to fear. Fear can paralyze. It can prevent action. But faith in God overcomes fear.

God’s Presence

The key to overcoming fear is God’s presence. Moses assures the Israelites that God is with them. This is a central theme in the Bible. God’s presence brings comfort and courage.

God’s promise to be with His people is unchanging. He is faithful. He does not abandon His people. This promise is seen throughout Scripture.

Applications for Today

Deuteronomy 31:6 has timeless relevance. Its message is as important today as it was then. Here are some applications for modern believers:

1. Facing Challenges: Life is full of challenges. These challenges can seem overwhelming. Deuteronomy 31:6 reminds believers to be strong and courageous. This strength comes from faith in God.

2. Overcoming Fear: Fear is common. It can prevent people from living fully. This verse calls believers to overcome fear. It encourages trust in God’s presence.

3. Trusting God’s Presence: God’s presence is a source of comfort. He promises never to leave or forsake His people. This promise is an anchor in difficult times.

Biblical Examples of Strength and Courage

The Bible is filled with examples of strength and courage. These examples illustrate the message of Deuteronomy 31:6.

Joshua: After Moses, Joshua leads the Israelites. God repeats the command to be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:9). Joshua’s faith and courage lead to victory.

David: David faces many challenges. He is a young shepherd who defeats Goliath. He becomes a king who leads Israel. His strength and courage come from his faith in God (1 Samuel 17).

Paul: The Apostle Paul faces many trials. He is beaten, imprisoned, and shipwrecked. Yet he remains strong and courageous. His faith in Christ sustains him (2 Corinthians 11:23-28).

New Testament Echoes

The New Testament echoes the message of Deuteronomy 31:6. Jesus assures His disciples of His presence. He promises to be with them always (Matthew 28:20).

The Apostle Paul writes about God’s faithfulness. He assures believers that God will never leave them (Hebrews 13:5). These passages reinforce the promise of God’s presence.

Strength and Courage in Christian Life

Strength and courage are vital in the Christian life. They enable believers to live faithfully. They empower Christians to face challenges.

Witnessing: Sharing the gospel requires courage. Believers may face rejection or persecution. Strength and courage come from knowing God is with them.

Serving: Serving others can be demanding. It requires selflessness and dedication. Strength and courage enable believers to serve faithfully.

Enduring: Life includes suffering and trials. Strength and courage help believers endure. They trust in God’s presence and promises.

Practical Steps to Cultivate Strength and Courage

Believers can cultivate strength and courage through several practices:

1. Prayer: Communicating with God builds faith. Prayer strengthens believers. It reminds them of God’s presence.

2. Scripture: Reading the Bible provides encouragement. It reveals God’s promises. Scripture strengthens and encourages believers.

3. Community: Fellowship with other believers is vital. Encouragement from others builds strength. The Christian community supports and uplifts.

4. Worship: Worship focuses on God. It shifts attention from problems to His greatness. Worship strengthens and encourages.

God’s Unchanging Promise

God’s promise in Deuteronomy 31:6 is unchanging. It is as true today as it was then. Believers can rely on His presence. They can trust His faithfulness.

This promise is a source of strength. It provides courage in difficult times. It assures believers that they are never alone.


Deuteronomy 31:6 is a powerful verse. It calls for strength and courage. It promises God’s presence. This message is timeless. It applies to believers today.

Strength and courage are rooted in faith. They come from trusting God’s presence. Believers are called to live boldly. They are assured of God’s unchanging promise. He will never leave them nor forsake them.

In times of challenge, fear, or uncertainty, Deuteronomy 31:6 offers assurance. It reminds believers to be strong and courageous. It promises that God is always with them. This promise is a source of unshakeable hope and confidence.


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